I need some help, I need to design the database relationship diagram with the
information given below. I have been asked to design an Access relational
database for a small bookstore that operates 3 stores. Books are sold by a
sales person to a customer through an order. An order may consist of one or
more books but assume that for a given order, all the books sold are all from
one store and are sold by one salesperson.
Field name Field description (additional info given if
Address Address of the customer
Author ID
Author Name
Book ID Unique id number for each book
Book type One of a number e.g. H for hard cover, S for
soft cover etc
Book type description
City City the customer lives in
Country Country the customer lives in
Cust Id
Cust Name
Cust Type One of a number of values such as: I for individual C for
Cust Type Descr
Email Email address of the customer
On hand The quantity on hand, of a given book in a
given store.
Order date
Order No
Phone no Customer phone number. Note: The customer can have more than 1
phone no
Phone type One of a number: e.g. H for Home, C for Cell O
for Office etc
Phone type descr
PostCde Customer postal code
Publisher ID
Publisher Name
Quantity For each book sold it identifies the quantity of
the same book (typically 1).
Salesperson Id
Salesperson Name
Salesperson Phone
Selling price The price can vary between stores as the the same book can be
sold in different stores
Store address
Store City
Store email
Store No A value of 1, 2 or 3 representing the store number
Store Phone
Title Full title of the book
information given below. I have been asked to design an Access relational
database for a small bookstore that operates 3 stores. Books are sold by a
sales person to a customer through an order. An order may consist of one or
more books but assume that for a given order, all the books sold are all from
one store and are sold by one salesperson.
Field name Field description (additional info given if
Address Address of the customer
Author ID
Author Name
Book ID Unique id number for each book
Book type One of a number e.g. H for hard cover, S for
soft cover etc
Book type description
City City the customer lives in
Country Country the customer lives in
Cust Id
Cust Name
Cust Type One of a number of values such as: I for individual C for
Cust Type Descr
Email Email address of the customer
On hand The quantity on hand, of a given book in a
given store.
Order date
Order No
Phone no Customer phone number. Note: The customer can have more than 1
phone no
Phone type One of a number: e.g. H for Home, C for Cell O
for Office etc
Phone type descr
PostCde Customer postal code
Publisher ID
Publisher Name
Quantity For each book sold it identifies the quantity of
the same book (typically 1).
Salesperson Id
Salesperson Name
Salesperson Phone
Selling price The price can vary between stores as the the same book can be
sold in different stores
Store address
Store City
Store email
Store No A value of 1, 2 or 3 representing the store number
Store Phone
Title Full title of the book