No offense taken - I appreciate any response.
I really do have a rats nest of links happening. I do have one main table,
with many links to other tables and those are linked to children of their
own. Many of the tables are used to acheive multiple linking between fields.
For example my one main table contains Engineering Changes (EC1, EC2, EC3,
...). I have another table that lists Standard Tasks to perform. Each EC is
linked to its own custom list of Standard tasks thru an intermediate linking
table. I do a similar thing to link ECs to references, documents,
milestones, resources, POs, WOs, .... Does that make sense?
You're using a wide-flat, one field per engineering change structure. This is
good for spreadsheets, but it's simply *wrong* for a relational database.
If you have a one (project?) to many (engineering change) relationship, the
correct structure is a one to many relationship - a ProjectID as the Primary
Key of your main table, and a (single!) table of engineering changes with its
own Primary Key, and a ProjectID foreign key. You will probably want an
integer ChangeNumber field as well. The standard tasks can then be linked to
the engineering change table.
The same principle would apply to the other tables: if you have Milestone1,
Milestone2, Milestone3, WO1, WO2, WO3 and so on, you're "committing
spreadsheet" and will have no *end* of trouble (far beyond the quirks of the
relationship window).
Apologies if I've misinterpreted your structure... but if I haven't, you
should stop NOW and normalize your tables!