Relationship - Required Fields making data entry troublsome

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vega
  • Start date Start date


I have 3 tables linked in relationships like so:

[IPSID].IPSID --- 1 to many --> [Client].IPSID / [Client].ClientID --1 to
1 --> [Implementation].ClientID

I have a form for adding new client information, the process should be fill
in the Client Table, then the IPSID table.

My problem/confusion is I'm forced to generate an IPSID number in the IPSID
table before touching the Client table AND im forced to add a ClientID to
Implimentation before touching the Client table. IPSID and ClientID are
autonumbers. How do I fix this? Is it a relationship issue? or do I write
code to wrok around this?
What info. do you store in Table ISPID?

It sounds like you have Referential Integrity enforced on the relationships.
The R.I. ensure that the Child Records of a 1-to-M relationship are related
to valid Parent Records. You can unenforce the R.I. but that means that the
database will accept Child Records without valid Parent Records. If you
want to be consistent without E.I., you will have to write your own code to
check for valid Parent Records.

Check Access Help on Referential Integrity.