I am building a Database App using VB.NET instead of MSAccess. I need some
tips for the data access strategy. I like the 'Microsoft Application Blocks
for .NET' approach, but am curious about relationships.
As an example, one section will be Document Tracking. A Document has one
Author (int field in the tblDoc table), one Type (int field in the tblDoc
table), possibly many WorkAreas (Many_to_Many with another table).
Am I better off manually grabbing DataSets, one for each int field, and then
manually binding 'dropdown' boxes on my form, or should I use Relationships
in the DataSet?
Also, I need some input about the ManyToMany deal. Is a PopUp form the best
way to go?
Please Advise.
I am building a Database App using VB.NET instead of MSAccess. I need some
tips for the data access strategy. I like the 'Microsoft Application Blocks
for .NET' approach, but am curious about relationships.
As an example, one section will be Document Tracking. A Document has one
Author (int field in the tblDoc table), one Type (int field in the tblDoc
table), possibly many WorkAreas (Many_to_Many with another table).
Am I better off manually grabbing DataSets, one for each int field, and then
manually binding 'dropdown' boxes on my form, or should I use Relationships
in the DataSet?
Also, I need some input about the ManyToMany deal. Is a PopUp form the best
way to go?
Please Advise.