I've got a form with button on it that opens a second form. The second form
displays all the child records from the first form's selected record. Let's
say the tables are linked via columns named Table1_ID in both tables. If the
second form is showing all records where Table1_ID = 1, then I want any new
records created in that form to automatically have the value 1 in the
Table1_ID column. How can I do this?
I've got a form with button on it that opens a second form. The second form
displays all the child records from the first form's selected record. Let's
say the tables are linked via columns named Table1_ID in both tables. If the
second form is showing all records where Table1_ID = 1, then I want any new
records created in that form to automatically have the value 1 in the
Table1_ID column. How can I do this?