I have 2 table that called tbldiscon, Document list
tbldiscon has 3 fields:[contractor],[Discipline] , [Next]
[contractor] and [discipline] are text and primary key, [next] is number
with default value (0)
Document list table has these fields:
[Document Code],[subject],[originator],[data],[document type],[contractor],
[Discipline code],[Document Seq number] (all fields are text except [Document
Seq number] that is number and equal to [next] after update query)
[document code] field is concatenate of [Document type]="FSQ" AND
[CONTRACTOR] AND [Discipline Code] and [document seq number]
and [document seq number] also depend of value [contractor],[discipline
code] so for simillar [contractor] and [discipline code] should be increase
(+1) automaticly so i have used update query on tbldiscon and change value of
[next] to [next]+1 each time i inser new record in document list
table.([document seq number]=[next])
for excample:documet list should be like this:
document code contractor discipline Document Seq number date
FSQ-ARP-CIV-0001 ARP CIV 0001 03-FEB-09
FSQ-ARP-CIV-0002 ARP CIV 0002 03-FEB-09
FSQ-ARP-BLD-0001 ARP BLD 0001 03-FEB-09
FSQ-SHR-CIV-0001 SHR CIV 0001 03-FEB-09
and tbldiscon should be like this:
contractor discipline next
ARP civ 2
for updating these tables i have made form with one botton and on click
event for that botton.
fields like [originator],[discipline], [contractor] are combo box on form
wihout any code for them, [subject]
is text box and value of [document code] automaticly will be genrate when we
input the data in other fiedls in the form and push the
button.because that is concatenate of other fields.
query between 2 tables document list, tbldiscon, has relation one to many
for both
fields [contractor],[discipline].
my problem is when [discipline] and [contractor] are new for tbldiscon.the
code insert them in tbldiscon and update [next] to [next]+1 but document list
table will not be update. and it has "null" value for all the fields.
my click event code for that botton is like below:
Set dbs = CurrentDb
dbs.Execute "INSERT INTO tblDISCON ([Contractor],[DISCIPLINE],[Next]) " & _
"VALUES ( '" & Me.[Contractor] & "','" & Me.[Discipline Code] & "',0)"
[Originator Code].Enabled = False
[Document type].Enabled = False
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
If [Document type] = "PSI" Then DoCmd.OpenQuery "Update Next number
PSI", acViewNormal, acReadOnly Else DoCmd.OpenQuery "Update next number FSQ",
acViewNormal, acReadOnly
nextseq = [NEXT]
MsgBox nextseq
[Document seq number] = nextseq
If Len([NEXT]) = 1 Then fullseq = "000" & nextseq Else
If Len([NEXT]) = 2 Then fullseq = "00" & nextseq Else
If Len([NEXT]) = 3 Then fullseq = "0" & nextseq Else
If Len([NEXT]) = 4 Then fullseq = nextseq Else
answer = MsgBox("Your document number is " & [Document type] & "-" &
[Contractor] & "-" & [Discipline Code] & "-" & fullseq, 0, "Document Code")
[Document Code] = [Document type] & "-" & [Contractor] & "-" &
[Discipline Code] & "-" & fullseq
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command26_Click
tbldiscon has 3 fields:[contractor],[Discipline] , [Next]
[contractor] and [discipline] are text and primary key, [next] is number
with default value (0)
Document list table has these fields:
[Document Code],[subject],[originator],[data],[document type],[contractor],
[Discipline code],[Document Seq number] (all fields are text except [Document
Seq number] that is number and equal to [next] after update query)
[document code] field is concatenate of [Document type]="FSQ" AND
[CONTRACTOR] AND [Discipline Code] and [document seq number]
and [document seq number] also depend of value [contractor],[discipline
code] so for simillar [contractor] and [discipline code] should be increase
(+1) automaticly so i have used update query on tbldiscon and change value of
[next] to [next]+1 each time i inser new record in document list
table.([document seq number]=[next])
for excample:documet list should be like this:
document code contractor discipline Document Seq number date
FSQ-ARP-CIV-0001 ARP CIV 0001 03-FEB-09
FSQ-ARP-CIV-0002 ARP CIV 0002 03-FEB-09
FSQ-ARP-BLD-0001 ARP BLD 0001 03-FEB-09
FSQ-SHR-CIV-0001 SHR CIV 0001 03-FEB-09
and tbldiscon should be like this:
contractor discipline next
ARP civ 2
for updating these tables i have made form with one botton and on click
event for that botton.
fields like [originator],[discipline], [contractor] are combo box on form
wihout any code for them, [subject]
is text box and value of [document code] automaticly will be genrate when we
input the data in other fiedls in the form and push the
button.because that is concatenate of other fields.
query between 2 tables document list, tbldiscon, has relation one to many
for both
fields [contractor],[discipline].
my problem is when [discipline] and [contractor] are new for tbldiscon.the
code insert them in tbldiscon and update [next] to [next]+1 but document list
table will not be update. and it has "null" value for all the fields.
my click event code for that botton is like below:
Set dbs = CurrentDb
dbs.Execute "INSERT INTO tblDISCON ([Contractor],[DISCIPLINE],[Next]) " & _
"VALUES ( '" & Me.[Contractor] & "','" & Me.[Discipline Code] & "',0)"
[Originator Code].Enabled = False
[Document type].Enabled = False
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
If [Document type] = "PSI" Then DoCmd.OpenQuery "Update Next number
PSI", acViewNormal, acReadOnly Else DoCmd.OpenQuery "Update next number FSQ",
acViewNormal, acReadOnly
nextseq = [NEXT]
MsgBox nextseq
[Document seq number] = nextseq
If Len([NEXT]) = 1 Then fullseq = "000" & nextseq Else
If Len([NEXT]) = 2 Then fullseq = "00" & nextseq Else
If Len([NEXT]) = 3 Then fullseq = "0" & nextseq Else
If Len([NEXT]) = 4 Then fullseq = nextseq Else
answer = MsgBox("Your document number is " & [Document type] & "-" &
[Contractor] & "-" & [Discipline Code] & "-" & fullseq, 0, "Document Code")
[Document Code] = [Document type] & "-" & [Contractor] & "-" &
[Discipline Code] & "-" & fullseq
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command26_Click