I have a database in which I am tracking cases. Table 1 is Case Information
Table, that has the defendants name and other pertinent information. I have
a second table that includes the charges (count number, class, statue,
disposition, sentencing). 3rd table is a Victim Witness table that includes
information of how many times the victim was contacted per case and other
information essentially only one record from V/W table would be filled out
per case where as Charges can have 1 to 30 counts per case hence creating
seperate record for each charge. I created a form that has 2 subforms, the
case information form is displayed and then the charges subform is embedded,
the V/W subform is accessed by a control. The main form is the case
information form, subform for charges and a subform for the V/W table.
However when I am working from the main form and add my data and then click
on the control to open the V/W subform I get the error that the related
record is required in table Case information. I do not know what I am doing
Can someone help.
Table, that has the defendants name and other pertinent information. I have
a second table that includes the charges (count number, class, statue,
disposition, sentencing). 3rd table is a Victim Witness table that includes
information of how many times the victim was contacted per case and other
information essentially only one record from V/W table would be filled out
per case where as Charges can have 1 to 30 counts per case hence creating
seperate record for each charge. I created a form that has 2 subforms, the
case information form is displayed and then the charges subform is embedded,
the V/W subform is accessed by a control. The main form is the case
information form, subform for charges and a subform for the V/W table.
However when I am working from the main form and add my data and then click
on the control to open the V/W subform I get the error that the related
record is required in table Case information. I do not know what I am doing
Can someone help.