rejoin XP to W2K domain

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Hi all,

after reinstalling the W2K server (LAN)I can't rejoin my XPpro to the
Everything is setup as it was before , DC name , domain name , DHCP , DNS
The XP shows up normal in DNS but can't find the DC ????I 've tried with
netdom only to get the message its allready in a domain.

netdiag can't find the DC either. With the wizard the DC or domain isn't
found either allthough the detailed errror message says the only DC it can
find is "server.domain.local" ??? which is the one it should find.

I'm lost here.
The XP has two users. Myself as "adminaccount" and my daughters acc.
What will the result be for these accounts if I take the XP from the domain
to "Workgroup" and then back to the domain? What about Outlook etc. ?
I' ve also tried renaming the XP but no help there.
Pinging by name and IP works ok , both ways.
Connecting to a share on the server works untill the next reboot. After a
reboot I get the message the connection couldn't be re-established.

this is just the "short version " of my efforts.
If you need more info , feel free to ask.

Who knows what I can try next.
There is a W2K client and a W2K server (SUS) next but I 'm affraid what
will happen when I bring these "online" :-(

Many thanks.

Look in the TCPIP properties for the Windows XP client. Find the DNS
settings. The IP address(s) should be the address of the internal DNS
server that hosts DNS for your Active Directory domain. It's probably your
DC. Change the client setting to point to this server.

If you can't connect to the Internet after making this change, you will
probably want to configure forwarding on the server so that your DNS server
can handle the queries for your client.

Active Directory clients must always "point" to DNS servers hosting the
internal Active Directory zone.

Thanks for your reply Dave.

I'm affraid the problem isn't there.
this the "IPconfig / all " result on the XP machine.

Windows IP-configuratie
Host-naam . . . . . . . . . . . .: cqp350
Primair DNS-achtervoegsel. . . . .: home137.local
Knooppunttype: . . . . . . . . . .: onbekend (means Unknown)
IP-routering ingeschakeld. . . . .: nee
WINS-proxy ingeschakeld . . . . . : nee
DNS-achtervoegselzoeklijst. . . . : home137.local

Ethernet-adapter LAN-verbinding:
Verbindingsspec. DNS-achtervoegsel: home137.local
Beschrijving . . . . . . . . . . .:
3Com EtherLink XL 10/100 PCI For Complete PC Management NIC
Fysiek adres. . . . . . . . . . . : x-x-x-x-x--x (Don't know if it
is important , just replaced it for security reasons , sorry )
DHCP ingeshakeld. . . . . . . . . : ja
Autom. configuratie ingeschakeld. : ja
IP-adres. . . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnetmasker. . . . . . . . . . . :
Standaardgateway. . . . . . . . . :
DHCP-server . . . . . . . . . . . :
DNS-servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
NetBIOS over TCPIP. . . . . . . . : uitgeschakeld (this means
Disabled )
Lease verkregen . . . . . . . . . : zondag 26 september 2004
20:23:49 (Europe / Belgium time)
Lease verlopen . . . . . . . . . : maandag 4 oktober 2004 20:23:49

The terms are Dutch but I'm sure you understand what its all about.
192.....115 is the XP
192......110 is the SMC router
192.....111 is the server holding the AD , DNS , DHCP
The server forwards to the ISP DNS, NetBios / TCPIP is off on the server as
there aren't any Typo errrors on the reinstalled server , the domain name is
exactly as it is shown here.
I can ping by adress and name both ways.
Server is in W2K native mode.
The time on both sets is sync-ed with NtpTime on a stratum 1 server, so it
isn't more than millisecs apart.
This setup worked flawless until the server refused to boot .
I setup DHCP and DNS before dcpromo and when that didn't work I demoted and
ran dcpromo again setting up DNS while promoting.
Makes no difference.
I flushed / registered DNS on the XP ,cleared the cache on the server, no
help there
Could it be some "key" the XP still remembers that is changed/ new on the
reinstalled server, so it looks for its "old Boss" and can't see the "new
one"? Something with Kerberos or so, I'm not familiar with that.
Where are "those keys" to be found / changed? The XP thinks /reports it is
in the domain but can't recognize the DC as being its DC. ???

Lots of questions :-(
I've read a lot by now, still haven't found an answer.
What is your opinion about this
"How to force Kerberos to use TCP instead of UDP ";en-us;244474
The parameters key does not exist on XP neither on the server. If this isn't
the problem what will the effect be if I do this?
I can send you the NetDiag and DcDiag results if you want them, too much to
post here . :-)
I hope you can find the time to think of a solution.
Many thanks in advance

(trying to learn something)

Here 's what I did,

after reading Herb Martin's reply to a similar question some posts above
this one I decided to dump the AD , DNS and DHCP and create a new one with a
new name, lets say: "newdomain.local"
I then joined the XP in the newdomain without going back to "workgroup"
In "doc's and settings" there now was a new directory "admin.newdomain"
alongside the old "admin.olddomain".
Logged on with my local-XP account and renamed "admin.newdomain" to
admin.newdomainOLD" and "admin.olddomain " to "admin.newdomain".
All I had to do was point Outlook to the new/renamed location of its
..pst-file and that' s it.

But , there is my little daughters account too.
Tried the same trick with here account but XP insists on creating a new
".000" directory. I did rename the "sara.olddomain" directory to
"sara.newdomain" but it won't work. when I logon to her acc a folder
"sara.newdomain.000" is created. Then tried to copy/paste the content of
"sara.newdomain " to "sara.newdomain.000" but that will not do the trick
neither. When logging ,on her desktop etc looks nothig like the old one, it
looks very odd to say the least. A lot is missing in the start-menu ,
strange looking taskbar etc.
Are there "things " I shouldn't copy from the old to the new directory?
"nt-user.ini " or userdat " or ????
In control panel - useraccounts (don't know how its called in the English
version) I checked for any information to copy about her account but there
is nothing there, only my two local acc's.

Allmost there, but not quite.
I hope the same trick will work with the W2K client and W2Kserver (SUS)

I still need some advice here Ladies and Gentlemen

Thanks in advance, its greatly appreciated.

See tip 4631 in the 'Tips & Tricks' at


Here 's what I did,

after reading Herb Martin's reply to a similar question some posts above
this one I decided to dump the AD , DNS and DHCP and create a new one with a
new name, lets say: "newdomain.local"
I then joined the XP in the newdomain without going back to "workgroup"
In "doc's and settings" there now was a new directory "admin.newdomain"
alongside the old "admin.olddomain".
Logged on with my local-XP account and renamed "admin.newdomain" to
admin.newdomainOLD" and "admin.olddomain " to "admin.newdomain".
All I had to do was point Outlook to the new/renamed location of its
.pst-file and that' s it.

But , there is my little daughters account too.
Tried the same trick with here account but XP insists on creating a new
".000" directory. I did rename the "sara.olddomain" directory to
"sara.newdomain" but it won't work. when I logon to her acc a folder
"sara.newdomain.000" is created. Then tried to copy/paste the content of
"sara.newdomain " to "sara.newdomain.000" but that will not do the trick
neither. When logging ,on her desktop etc looks nothig like the old one, it
looks very odd to say the least. A lot is missing in the start-menu ,
strange looking taskbar etc.
Are there "things " I shouldn't copy from the old to the new directory?
"nt-user.ini " or userdat " or ????
In control panel - useraccounts (don't know how its called in the English
version) I checked for any information to copy about her account but there
is nothing there, only my two local acc's.

Allmost there, but not quite.
I hope the same trick will work with the W2K client and W2Kserver (SUS)

I still need some advice here Ladies and Gentlemen

Thanks in advance, its greatly appreciated.


Jerold Schulman
Windows: General MVP
JSI, Inc.
Thanks Jerold,

great tip.

I applied the "rename" trick on W2K and W2KSUS server and its working.
waiting for the SUS policy to "kick-in" though.
So now I'm monitoring traffic between these machines with Packetyzer.
Allthough I demoted the server from "olddomain" and promoted again to create
"newdomain" the server is calling the ISP DNS for information about
Can I continue here about this or should I post a new question, maybe
another group?
