If XP is OEM, as long as you do not change the motherboard, you can
re-install your current version. If you change the motherboard, then as per
the EULA, you need to buy another XP kit. OEM version are tied to the first
computer/motherboard it was installed on. And even this is debatable.
As for retail XP software kits, you can move/install it on any PC, one
computer at a time and only one normally.
akaslopoke said:
two drives but one copy, using serial ata connections, 2 drives work as 1.
also the drive i have now will be re-formatted and used as a storage drive.
the end user agreement license mentions 2 processors but not a hardware
change and full reinstall. but then again i was never very good at reading
something resembling a law students attempt at really impressing his
professor :}