Thanks Ken,
They walked through all the tests for the modem, etc and
found no problems. The browser seems to have some type if
major flaw in it. The pings all seem normal but i can
access the internet. We have tried everything in the
settings and they finally threw in the towel and at that
point mentioned winsocks needs to be reinstalled. Beofre
i switched to cable, my dsl was not working
correctly..brower would not load pages, would go to the
wrong address etc so not sure of that related. i
downloaded netscape and had the same problem. Any help
would be greatly appreciated.
-----Original Message-----
That doesn't really make any sense. Can you describe your symptoms?
Ken Wickes [MSFT]
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
todd said:
Comcast, my broadband provided said I need to reinstall
Winsock in order for the cable high speed interenet
service to work. Sony was unclear as to how to do this?
Can anyone advise me? Do I need to reinstall XP?
Thanks in advance,