My new job has a Wifi Hotspot, so I figure I'll crank up the old 500mHz and
do a little surfing.
But the dang thing is bogged down with old software and the settings have
been fudged with, etc. I really just wanna wipe the slate clean and just
install the few programs I need. I can't find a system CDrom anywhere, but
it is a legit, licenced copy of Win 2k.
Can anybody point me to a How-To website for doing the complete ReInstall?
do a little surfing.
But the dang thing is bogged down with old software and the settings have
been fudged with, etc. I really just wanna wipe the slate clean and just
install the few programs I need. I can't find a system CDrom anywhere, but
it is a legit, licenced copy of Win 2k.
Can anybody point me to a How-To website for doing the complete ReInstall?