Reinstalling SP2 doesn't fix problem in movie maker

  • Thread starter Thread starter M Arida
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M Arida

I read almost all the messages regarding saving problems with movie maker.
Non of the solutions helped in my case.
I am using Movie maker 2 with XP sp2. it was working fine until recently. I
could import video, cut, split...etc. When I try to save movie file, NOTHING
HAPPENS at all. Movie Maker does not freeze and I can continue editing and
save the project but I can't save the movie file. This happens regardless of
the file size or format. I imported same files and movies on a different xp
sp2 machine at work and I was able to save the move.
I uninstalled/ reinstalled using XPlite. I reinstalled SP2. I tried to
restore to a previous restore point but unfortunately I wasn't able to do
that-- I got error that I can't restore to any of the points that I have. I
checked for viruses, spyware. I uninstalled any software that I installed
recently. No hardware changes...
I appreciate any help with this.

M. Arida
I am experiencing same identical problem. TV will not receive Video or
phoptographs but mouse pointer shows when "Full Screen Mode" is selected.
I removed the updated Movie Maker (SP2) and reloaded the original version -
no success. Slide shows are readily viewable proving connections are not at
I realise this is of little help except to prove that you're not alone.
Does the save to location dialog come up where the destinations (local, cd,
web, email) are listed or do you just click save movie file and get nothing?
Maybe try unchecking the codecs listed in the new dialog under Tools |
Options | Compatibility and see if that makes a difference. Let us know!
Thanks Toby, for your reply.
Save to location dialog does not come up at all. I just get nothing when I
choose save to file.
I just tried to click on Tools/options but I got nothing either i.e the
options dialog does not come up. it does not freeze or anything and I can
still continue to edit and save project. This is really weird!
Very weird

Try to manually reinstall moviemaker and see if that helps

1. Go to your directory Program files | Movie Maker
2. Double click on all the files that start with WMM2 there should be (8) if
a dialog pops up asking which program to use to open this file, use select
program from list, then browse to c:\windows\system32\regsvr32.exe and
check the box always use this program to open this file type.
(If the .dll files open with something weird like notepad then you will need
to right click on the WMM2 files and choose Open with | Choose program)
3. Not all 8 files will succeed in registering only 5 will
4. Go to start | run and type cmd in the text box and then hit ok this will
bring up a command prompt
5. Drag and drop from program files | movie maker the file moviemk.exe into
the command prompt box you opened in step 4
6. add a / regserver at the end of the line and press enter. (It will look
like this:) C:\Documents and Settings\your name>"C:\Program Files\Movie
Maker\moviemk.exe" /regserver
7. try Movie Maker again
8. let us know if it works or not
That didn't do it. As you said only 5 files successfuly registered.
When I did the command prompt line, I got only OK.
I tried movie maker. I still can't access options and can't save movie file.
I'm looking into more ideas for you here from the rest of the Microsoft
Movie Maker team.
There are only slight differences in the file sizes but the files and date
are identical:
moviemk.exe - 8/4/04 - 3,472 kb
wmm2ae.dll - 8/4/04 - 164 kb
wmm2ext.dll - 8/4/04 - 8 KB
wmm2filt.dll - 8/4/04 - 393 kb
wmm2fxa.dll - 8/4/04 - 491kb
wmm2fxb.dll - 8/4/04 - 318 kb
wmm2res.dll - 8/4/04 - 4157 kb
wmm2eres.dll - 8/4/04 - 4 KB
wmm2res2.dll - 8/4/04 - 6 KB
filters.xml - 7/17/04 - 8 KB
Couple more ideas from the Movie Maker team:

Reinstall DirectX and Format SDK

Items: 1&3 on above link and see if that works.

Also try in Tools | options | Compatibility to click the restore all

If it still is not working we will need to get a DXDiag report from you for
your machine so one of our developers can look at that and see if anything
is awry. Let us know!

In addition to this problem, my laptop started having problems with
shutdown, standby, hibernation and PCMCIA wireless card. So that was it for
me-- I backed up my data, reformatted and installed XP fresh. That did fix
the movie maker problem...

Thanks for your help.