Reinstalling/resetting Windows Contacts - Help!



I have couple issues with Windows Contacts Im wondering how I can reinstall it.

First issue is I dont see New Contact and New Contact Group buttons on the
top bar, and it keeps crashing when I fiddle with the options

Next issue is I only see Artist, Genre and Album in windows contacts, its
totally not related to contacts, I have Nero maybe because of that it shows
those.. what do I do??

The Good one

Mine (bad):

if I could just reset it to original state, even though I didnt do anything
to it...that would be great

Gary VanderMolen

Office Junkie said:
I have couple issues with Windows Contacts Im wondering how I can reinstall it.

First issue is I dont see New Contact and New Contact Group buttons on the
top bar, and it keeps crashing when I fiddle with the options

Next issue is I only see Artist, Genre and Album in windows contacts, its
totally not related to contacts, I have Nero maybe because of that it shows
those.. what do I do??

The Good one:

Mine (bad):

if I could just reset it to original state, even though I didnt do anything
to it...that would be great

Right-click in a blank spot in the right pane, Customize This Folder,
then you'll be able to change the template from the drop-down list.


Gary, you are the man. I just spent about 10 hours trying to figure out what
to do. You provided me with a 30 second answer. Thanks so much!

Gary VanderMolen

Glad it worked out for you.

Gary VanderMolen

ects2000 said:
Gary, you are the man. I just spent about 10 hours trying to figure out what
to do. You provided me with a 30 second answer. Thanks so much!

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