I changed my motherboard from an amd 2800
I changed my motherboard from an asus a7v600 with athlonxp2800 to an intel
3.2gb dual core on a asrock mb but it would not let me boot giving me an
<windows root>system 32\hal.dll missing I had to reinstall vista on another
hard drive . how do I either get my original boot drive back with all my
programs or how do I transfer my settings to new load etc everything is their
but it won't let me copy from one system32 to another
ps my newe-mail address is (e-mail address removed) but also couldn't figure how to
transfer my registration to this forum
I changed my motherboard from an asus a7v600 with athlonxp2800 to an intel
3.2gb dual core on a asrock mb but it would not let me boot giving me an
<windows root>system 32\hal.dll missing I had to reinstall vista on another
hard drive . how do I either get my original boot drive back with all my
programs or how do I transfer my settings to new load etc everything is their
but it won't let me copy from one system32 to another
ps my newe-mail address is (e-mail address removed) but also couldn't figure how to
transfer my registration to this forum