I have Vista Ultima but my Motherboard was burn from electric problem I
going to install a new Motherboard, my hard drive and the other cards are OK
they was check and tested , Is any way that I can do this and don't have to
reformat the Hard Drive ?????? The new Motherboard is diferent then the old
one, because I can no found the same MotherBoard, The CPU is OK and I can use
for the new Motherboard
Please any Help Thanks
going to install a new Motherboard, my hard drive and the other cards are OK
they was check and tested , Is any way that I can do this and don't have to
reformat the Hard Drive ?????? The new Motherboard is diferent then the old
one, because I can no found the same MotherBoard, The CPU is OK and I can use
for the new Motherboard
Please any Help Thanks