Reinstall Movie Maker?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Seeker
  • Start date Start date


I have just started movie maker for the first time. (Didn't know it
existed until a friend told me about it recently!)

When it started there was a message saying a file was missing (Which
of course I did not make note of!)

It asked if I wished to continue, and I said yes.

I wanted to test how it worked so I just imported a small MPG clip,
about 5mg, I dragged the parts to the timeline and proceeded through
the save to disc sequence. At which point the screen said Movie Maker
was unable to save the file, and to check if the source file was still
available and if there was enough disc space. Yes to both. But I am
still unable to save a file.

When I attempted the same with a different clip, Movie Maker crashed,
and sent a report to MS. (No response from MS!)

Tried once more with yet another clip. THis time my computer froze,
and I had to do the CTL/ALT/DEL thing.

Is there some way to determine which file was missing when I first
started Movie Maker?

From what little I can see here there appears to be no way to
re-install it.

Any and all advice gratefully recieved.


I appreciate the feedback.

However, reinstalling SP2 would occupy the better part of 18 hours, as
it did the first time. And I have the CD!

Reinstalling would require also reinstalling EVERY SINGLE UPDATE
issued since the release of SP2. I am on a Dial UP connection, It took
just under 18 hours the first time. There have been many more updates
since then. It would likely take much longer.

AND, there is no reason to expect Movie Maker to install any
differently. I had never used it prior to yesterday, so I assume it
was in the same condition it was from the original installation.

It seems incredible that MS does not have a stand alone copy of this
available. But then again, it is MS, and they can do whatever they
wish, and the user is screwed.

Again, I appreciate your response, but this is not a practical
solution for me.


Sorry, I don't think it works as re-installation in XP is not easy!
I'm facing also facing proble of starting MM2 and immediately on start
Windows closes it and asks to send error reports. Despite sending error
reports no solution coming.
Thanks and Regards,
Hi Seeker
Assuming it is a specific file that is missing check out my website
"Movie Maker -> Trouble Shooting -> Bad Installation of Movie Maker"
That section lists the files needed by Movie Maker as well as how to
reregister them.
Check the list against the files in your \Program Files\Movie Maker
directory to see if they match and if not copy the necessary files then
register them. If they are there try registering them anyway and see if that
does the trick.