Reinstall IE6?...................



hi everyone,

i would like reinstall IE6 becasue IE6 got damaged by little virus. i have
clean up with virus done. my pc window xp sp2.
IE6 wont start up then blank thats it, wont open favourite, tools so on. i
rather remove IE6 then start again to reinstall IE6.

can i do that or not?
i have window update but nothing!
im grateful if anyone help me.


Computer Viruses: Description, Prevention, and Recovery;en-us;129972

• You may have to format your computer’s hard disk and reinstall Windows and
all your computer programs if one or more of the following conditions are

• Your antivirus software displays a message that it cannot fix or remove
the virus.
• The virus damaged or deleted some of the important files on your computer.
This may be the case if Windows or some of the programs do not start, or if
they start with error messages that indicate that you have damaged or missing
• The symptoms that are described in this article persist even after you
clean your workstation and you are sure the problems are caused by a virus.

you may be able to repair IE, BUT it may not work, and cause more frustration.

How to Reinstall or Repair Internet Explorer and Outlook Express in Windows XP;en-us;318378


Go to your ie6 folder and run the reinstall program located there, it will
reinstall IE6


Or goto Start/Run and type
rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132

Then you will need to run Windows Update again after

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