I might've deleted the files and added them from VS.net
Workspace..after the Version(1.0) install.
Because when I checked the "KeyPath"(Component table) for
componets that are present in both the MSI's(1.0 and 1.1)
they are different...
aren't they supposed to be same...for all builds??
for now that I've sinned..Please Please tell me what to do

How can I update the existing MSI on client machine and
install this..with out creating any trouble to the end-
Thanks for all your help so far.
-----Original Message-----
interestingly...the below three step process works.
1.msiexec /i abc.msi REINSTALLMODE=vamus REINSTALL=ALL
2.Reboot the m/e
2.msiexec /i abc.msi REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=vomus
I would be kicked out of the door..if I suggest this to the
I badly need some extra brains..here as mine stopped
working on this.
-----Original Message-----
I've added some files,made some registry
modifications..and added a CA in (1.1)that aren't part of
the (1.0).
apart from that I've no major changes..
It's installing the files when I force them to..but the
custom action is not being executed...
(msiexec /fvamus abc.msi)
can I paste the log file here does that help any??
Thanks for your comments.
-----Original Message-----
Keep the upgrade code the same. I don't think it matters
hugely if you're doing a minor upgrade, but
there's no point in changing it unnecessarily and making
future major upgrades difficult.
If you started with version, you just need to
change the package code and update the product
version to something higher than 1.0. You don't need
anything in the upgrade table.
You may be having these difficulties if you rearranged
the project and added/deleted files. I'm
simplifying here, but a minor upgrade is safest when you
change nothing about the installation
except updating the existing files it in (well that's why
it's "minor"). You've said that the
product consists of a feature with a certain collection
of components, and changing this can cause
some issues. You're updating an existing installation, so
if you change component codes in the new
MSI file, Windows will see that the component isn't part
of the existing installed product, so it
may not update it. Details vary, but that's something
that might happen if you are using pre 2.0
installer. Plus you can't change the name of the MSI
file.So if you are doing the right thing with
version and package code, it might be a rearrangement of
the MSI components that's causing problems.
Phil Wilson [MVP Windows Installer]
I rolled back making changes to the "Product Code"..I
that is not what I want.Coz all I need is to update few
files and do a CA.
I've changed the Package Code "in the Summary" and the
Version..Do I need to change the "UpgradeCode" or should
the same as the previous one??
-----Original Message-----
If you changed the productcode (which is what you said
previous messages) you can't do a minor
upgrade. The only changes you need to make between your
original MSI and the new one are the package
code and increment the product version in the MSI file.
Then that command line will work.
Phil Wilson [MVP Windows Installer]
Hello All:
Below is what my log file says when I try to re-
the product..after doing a minor upgrade.
MSI (s) (F4:14): Component:
C__00E098D55C2C40D9AFB2FF8AF37873B2; Installed:
Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (F4:14): Component:
C__06FA912D6DD84C38B831E92390493195; Installed:
Request: Null; Action: Null
MSI (s) (F4:14): Component:
C__0967E3BEAFCC43DD8F92A5B29805D361; Installed:
Request: Null; Action: Null
Why is the "Request" and "Action" NULL??? How can I
them???to do some thing.
man...I've spent whole weekend on this MSI..Upgrade.
Please help this dummy if you can!!!