I get the idea of how to create the search patterns. But what I'm having
trouble with is how to actually implement regular expressions. I can't seem
to find any code that actually USES them. In all the posts I've found on
google all anyone talked about was creating the actual search pattern.
Could someone show me an actual sub that will use RegEx to check if the word
"Test" is in each of the strings in the array tstArray. I'm just looking
for a simple example SUB.
dim tstArray(5)
tstArray(0) = "-----Test-----"
tstArray(1) = "kkkkTest----"
tstArray(2) = "kkkkkkkkkkk"
tstArray(3) = "Test------"
tstArray(4) = "kkadTest--"
tstArray(5) = "adasjdfkasdf"
Pattern = "Test"
trouble with is how to actually implement regular expressions. I can't seem
to find any code that actually USES them. In all the posts I've found on
google all anyone talked about was creating the actual search pattern.
Could someone show me an actual sub that will use RegEx to check if the word
"Test" is in each of the strings in the array tstArray. I'm just looking
for a simple example SUB.
dim tstArray(5)
tstArray(0) = "-----Test-----"
tstArray(1) = "kkkkTest----"
tstArray(2) = "kkkkkkkkkkk"
tstArray(3) = "Test------"
tstArray(4) = "kkadTest--"
tstArray(5) = "adasjdfkasdf"
Pattern = "Test"