There are a couple of ways to do this:
Windows Application
1) Use a pair of spinner control and then the validation would be to
get the values of each and check that they are in the range. Main
benefit of this is your validation code is less, since you don't have
to use regexes at all. Personally I'd pick this approach
2) If you are using textboxes you must use a little more work.
a) Check that both text boxes contain numbers
b) Convert these numbers to integers
c) Check that they fall in the range
To check that the text is valid you'd do this in a function
Regex r = new Regex(@"(\d+)");
// Get the input
string input = "59";
// Capture the value and see if its valid
bool valid= !r.IsMatch(input);
Then you can do a plain vanilla integer comparison
Web Application
1) Again, minimize the effort. You will need 3 validators
a) A Required validator
b) A compare validator, set operator set to datatypecheck, type set to
c) A range validator, with 1900 as the minumumvalue and 2006 as the