I'm having some troubles getting my regex to work. I have a string as follows
The "quick and brown" fox "jumped over the" lazy dog.
The output should be as follows:
The "quick and brown" fox "jumped and over and the" lazy dog.
So the expression needs to insert 'and' between the groups of words enclosed
in double quotes, ignoring the insert if the 'and' word exists bewteen the
If anyone has some ideas how to do this, I would be very greatful.
I'm having some troubles getting my regex to work. I have a string as follows
The "quick and brown" fox "jumped over the" lazy dog.
The output should be as follows:
The "quick and brown" fox "jumped and over and the" lazy dog.
So the expression needs to insert 'and' between the groups of words enclosed
in double quotes, ignoring the insert if the 'and' word exists bewteen the
If anyone has some ideas how to do this, I would be very greatful.