Regular expression optimization

  • Thread starter Thread starter Billa
  • Start date Start date


I am replaceing a big string using different regular expressions (see
some example at the end of the message). The problem is whenever I
apply a "replace" it makes a new copy of string and I want to avoid
that. My question here is if there is a way to pass either a memory
stream or array of "find", "replace" expressions or any other way to
avoid multiple copies of a string.

Any help will be highly appreciated


'Delete all namespaces from <multistatus> root element
Pattern = "\<a\:multistatus [^>]*\>"
ReplaceWith = "<a:multistatus>"
sContents = Regex.Replace(sContents, Pattern, ReplaceWith,

'doing the closing tag part
Pattern = "\<\/response\>"
ReplaceWith = "</nsResp:response>"
sContents = Regex.Replace(sContents, Pattern, ReplaceWith,
Hi Billa,

This was an interesting problem to me, so I took a crack at solving it.

I constructed a class which uses the Regex.Replace overload taking an input
string and a MatchEvaluator delegate. If you've never looked at this
overload, the Regular Expression is evaluated against the input string, and
the MatchEvaluator Delegate is called for each Match in the result.

The first part required combining the separate Regular Expression strings
into a single Regular Expression. I used grouping with the "|" (or)
operator, so that the Regular Expression would match any of the Regular
Expressions in the single expression.

The trick was to get the MatchEvaluator delegate to recognize which of the
sub-expressions formed the particular Match being passed to it. For this, I
used named groups. The class has a private string array of replacement
strings which is passed along with the Regular Expression to the
Constructor. The replacement string array must match the number of
sub-expressions in the Regular Expression, and in the same order.

The Replace Method of the class loops through the array of Groups in the
Match, which is the same as the array of Groups in the Regular Expression.
It ignores the first group in the array, as that is always the match itself.
It looks for the Group with the Success property as true, and returns the
replacement string in the array that corresponds to that position in the
Groups collection.

I tested this, and it is bug-free. The class definition follows, followed by
an example:

/// <summary>
/// Replaces multiple Regular Expressions in a string with multiple
/// strings without having to perform separate replacements
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>The <c>System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(string,
/// overloads replace a single Regular Expression in a string. To replace
/// Regular Expressions in a string would entail creating many strings. This
/// enables the replacement to be done with a single string
public class MultiReplacer
private string[] Replacers;
private Regex r;

private string Replacer(Match m)
for(int i = 1; i < m.Groups.Count; i++)
if (m.Groups.Success)
return Replacers[i - 1];
return "";

/// <summary>
/// Replaces all groups matching the expression initializer variable in
the input
/// string with the matching replacement string from the array of
/// strings passed in the initializer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">String to evaluate.</param>
/// <returns>The fully-replaced string.</returns>
public string Replace(string input)
MatchEvaluator meval = new MatchEvaluator(Replacer);
return r.Replace(input, meval);

/// <summary type="System.String">
/// Constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="expression">Regular Expression String.</param>
/// <param name="replacers">Array of replacement strings.</param>
/// <remarks>The <paramref name="expression"/> parameter must be a
Regular Expression using
/// named groups, combined with "|" to match any of the groups in the
/// <paramref name="expression"/>. The <paramref name="replacers"/>
/// must have the same number of elements as the number of named groups
in the
/// <paramref name="expression"/>, and in the same order.</remarks>
public MultiReplacer(string expression,
string[] replacers)
r = new Regex(expression);
Replacers = replacers;

example (from my test form):

private void btnMultiReplace_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string s = @"(?<multistatus><a\:multistatus
string[] replacers = new string[] { @"<a:multistatus>",
@"</nsResp:response>" };
MultiReplacer replacer = new MultiReplacer(s, replacers);

// Calls a method that adds the text to the same TextBox
SetTextMessage(replacer.Replace(txtMessage.Text), false);


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Who is Mighty Abbott?
A twin turret scalawag.

Billa said:
I am replaceing a big string using different regular expressions (see
some example at the end of the message). The problem is whenever I
apply a "replace" it makes a new copy of string and I want to avoid
that. My question here is if there is a way to pass either a memory
stream or array of "find", "replace" expressions or any other way to
avoid multiple copies of a string.

Any help will be highly appreciated


'Delete all namespaces from <multistatus> root element
Pattern = "\<a\:multistatus [^>]*\>"
ReplaceWith = "<a:multistatus>"
sContents = Regex.Replace(sContents, Pattern, ReplaceWith,

'doing the closing tag part
Pattern = "\<\/response\>"
ReplaceWith = "</nsResp:response>"
sContents = Regex.Replace(sContents, Pattern, ReplaceWith,
I have to correct myself. The code is fine, but my explanation has an error
in it. I *initially* thought of using named groups, but as I continued to
optimize the code, I realized that I didn't need to use named groups, as the
position of the group in the GroupNames array would correspond to the
position in the replacement array of strings, to identify the replacement
string to use. You'll notice the MatchEvaluator delegate doesn't use the
group names, but only iterates through the Collection.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Who is Mighty Abbott?
A twin turret scalawag.

Kevin Spencer said:
Hi Billa,

This was an interesting problem to me, so I took a crack at solving it.

I constructed a class which uses the Regex.Replace overload taking an
input string and a MatchEvaluator delegate. If you've never looked at this
overload, the Regular Expression is evaluated against the input string,
and the MatchEvaluator Delegate is called for each Match in the result.

The first part required combining the separate Regular Expression strings
into a single Regular Expression. I used grouping with the "|" (or)
operator, so that the Regular Expression would match any of the Regular
Expressions in the single expression.

The trick was to get the MatchEvaluator delegate to recognize which of the
sub-expressions formed the particular Match being passed to it. For this,
I used named groups. The class has a private string array of replacement
strings which is passed along with the Regular Expression to the
Constructor. The replacement string array must match the number of
sub-expressions in the Regular Expression, and in the same order.

The Replace Method of the class loops through the array of Groups in the
Match, which is the same as the array of Groups in the Regular Expression.
It ignores the first group in the array, as that is always the match
itself. It looks for the Group with the Success property as true, and
returns the replacement string in the array that corresponds to that
position in the Groups collection.

I tested this, and it is bug-free. The class definition follows, followed
by an example:

/// <summary>
/// Replaces multiple Regular Expressions in a string with multiple
/// strings without having to perform separate replacements
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>The <c>System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(string,
/// overloads replace a single Regular Expression in a string. To replace
/// Regular Expressions in a string would entail creating many strings.
This class
/// enables the replacement to be done with a single string
public class MultiReplacer
private string[] Replacers;
private Regex r;

private string Replacer(Match m)
for(int i = 1; i < m.Groups.Count; i++)
if (m.Groups.Success)
return Replacers[i - 1];
return "";

/// <summary>
/// Replaces all groups matching the expression initializer variable in
the input
/// string with the matching replacement string from the array of
/// strings passed in the initializer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">String to evaluate.</param>
/// <returns>The fully-replaced string.</returns>
public string Replace(string input)
MatchEvaluator meval = new MatchEvaluator(Replacer);
return r.Replace(input, meval);

/// <summary type="System.String">
/// Constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="expression">Regular Expression String.</param>
/// <param name="replacers">Array of replacement strings.</param>
/// <remarks>The <paramref name="expression"/> parameter must be a
Regular Expression using
/// named groups, combined with "|" to match any of the groups in the
/// <paramref name="expression"/>. The <paramref name="replacers"/>
/// must have the same number of elements as the number of named groups
in the
/// <paramref name="expression"/>, and in the same order.</remarks>
public MultiReplacer(string expression,
string[] replacers)
r = new Regex(expression);
Replacers = replacers;

example (from my test form):

private void btnMultiReplace_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string s = @"(?<multistatus><a\:multistatus
string[] replacers = new string[] { @"<a:multistatus>",
@"</nsResp:response>" };
MultiReplacer replacer = new MultiReplacer(s, replacers);

// Calls a method that adds the text to the same TextBox
SetTextMessage(replacer.Replace(txtMessage.Text), false);


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
.Net Developer
Who is Mighty Abbott?
A twin turret scalawag.

Billa said:
I am replaceing a big string using different regular expressions (see
some example at the end of the message). The problem is whenever I
apply a "replace" it makes a new copy of string and I want to avoid
that. My question here is if there is a way to pass either a memory
stream or array of "find", "replace" expressions or any other way to
avoid multiple copies of a string.

Any help will be highly appreciated


'Delete all namespaces from <multistatus> root element
Pattern = "\<a\:multistatus [^>]*\>"
ReplaceWith = "<a:multistatus>"
sContents = Regex.Replace(sContents, Pattern, ReplaceWith,

'doing the closing tag part
Pattern = "\<\/response\>"
ReplaceWith = "</nsResp:response>"
sContents = Regex.Replace(sContents, Pattern, ReplaceWith,
I am replaceing a big string using different regular expressions (see
some example at the end of the message). The problem is whenever I
apply a "replace" it makes a new copy of string and I want to avoid
that. My question here is if there is a way to pass either a memory
stream or array of "find", "replace" expressions or any other way to
avoid multiple copies of a string.

Any help will be highly appreciated


'Delete all namespaces from <multistatus> root element
Pattern = "\<a\:multistatus [^>]*\>"
ReplaceWith = "<a:multistatus>"
sContents = Regex.Replace(sContents, Pattern, ReplaceWith,

'doing the closing tag part
Pattern = "\<\/response\>"
ReplaceWith = "</nsResp:response>"
sContents = Regex.Replace(sContents, Pattern, ReplaceWith,

In .NET the String class is immutable, it cannot be changed. When you
make any change to a string a new copy is created leaving the old copy
behind. As you have noticed, multiple changes mean multiple copies.

If you are going to be making a lot of changes to a string then use
the StringBuilder class instead. A StringBuilder is mutable so the
changes are made in the object itself, hence no extra copies.

For best efficiency make sure that the StringBuilder is long enough to
hold the maximum size text that you want to put in it. This saves
reallocating memory when the StringBuilder expands.

Thanks a lot Kevin!
I'll look into it and will come back to you if I have more questions. I
truly appreciate your time.
I don't believe he understood the nature of your question.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Who is Mighty Abbott?
A twin turret scalawag.