Chad Harris
I'm on a XP Pro SP2 box.When I use a Regsvr32 ( the command-line tool that
registers dynamic-link libraries (dlls) and ActiveX controls in the
registry) instead of registering I get the open with dialogue box, i.e.
"Choose program you want to open this file". I ran SFC to service pack
level meaning I point SFC to the HD to take advantage of also having access
to XP SP2 install files ala Mark Liron
http://www.updatexp.com/scannow-sfc.html but it did not correct this. Has
anyone encountered this and does anyone have any ideas on fixing this?
Chad Harris
registers dynamic-link libraries (dlls) and ActiveX controls in the
registry) instead of registering I get the open with dialogue box, i.e.
"Choose program you want to open this file". I ran SFC to service pack
level meaning I point SFC to the HD to take advantage of also having access
to XP SP2 install files ala Mark Liron
http://www.updatexp.com/scannow-sfc.html but it did not correct this. Has
anyone encountered this and does anyone have any ideas on fixing this?
Chad Harris