Why are you asking the exact same question again?
Again, here is the answer :
......Either type (or 'copy and paste') the following command into the
"Run" box on your 'Start Menu' or a 'Command Prompt' (dos-box) window :
reg ADD HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\comdlg32
/v NoPlacesBar /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
(The above command should be all on one line but may not appear so due
to line-wrap. Please ensure that the command begins with 'reg' and ends
with '/f')
....or go to the reg-key above and add the dword value "NoPlacesBar" and
set it to 1
Alternatively, the [small] program from Microsoft called TweakUI.exe
"powertoy" for XP has a setting under "Common Dialogs" that shows /
hides the "Places" bar and also allows you to customize what places they
Download TweakUI.exe for XP from Microsoft :
Given that you ARE asking the same question again, I would advise you to
use the second option of downloading and using TweakUI for Windows XP if
you are at all unsure about editing the registry (even though you DID
ASK for a registry 'fix' to be able to accomplish this).
*Note - Please exercise care when editing the registry, always create a
backup and / or create a 'System Restore' point first.
Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London.