Claire said:
ENOUGH ALREADY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Claire Brucker (who started all this nonsense.)
I am copying this here in case you cannot see it through the mess the
innocent question you asked has become.
I hope you did get enough information from the answers.
I did see your response elsewhere in this conversation thanking me for my
answer. If you need to know more I suggest following up on the first link I
gave you about what the registry is. Near the bottom is more information
concerning registry cleaners and even a blurb about the 'argument' that
others are obviously trying to propagate here.
If you read anything you feel you need translated from 'geek speak' to
normal human - come back and let someone here know. Nothing wrong
with wanting to learn - that's what we are all doing.
Please - don't let the obstinacy of others hinder your curiosity and thirst
for information. Please ask more questions if you have them. The key to
newsgroups and sanity is not letting anything get under your skin and
let those who wish to try to do so - work alone (without you. ;-) )