Registry values

Nov 14, 2010
Reaction score
Not sure if this is the right forum to post this in, but....

My question:

Is an Empty Value in the Registry a Value itself?

Trying to learn about the Registry and can't figure this out. My friend asked me which is found faster;

A value that is empty or one that don't exist. How can a value not exist??

Thank you for your input

msducky :)
Hi msducky, welcome to the forums :)

A registry value can indeed be empty, and would be return as such, rather than a "null" value. I'm not sure which result would be returned faster as it would require some testing, but we're talking about milliseconds here ;)
Hi Ian,

Thank you for the welcome. :)

This is a really nice site by the way!

So an empty a value after all. I've seen blank entries to the right of value names where value data should be. I'm assuming that would be an "empty value".

Thanks for your input. I may be back with more questions if you don't mind.

Have a nice day!
