From: <
[email protected]>
| Thanks, David. Here's what I have: I had the original version of
| WinXP Pro on my machine and have kept up with all the patches. I don't
| thoroughly understand the slipstream process. Also, I had purchased my
| PC with WinXP already installed and I assumed it was legitimate. It
| wasn't!!! So I purchased the paid version which has SP-1 and SP-2
| incorporated. i386 is in my root directory. Is there anything I can
| do? Thanks.....
If the following file exists then the folder is already at SP2 level...
If not...
You can download the administrator's version of WinXP SP2 at...
It's ~260MB so it'll take a while.
Assuming the downloaded EXE file is named; c:\WinXP-SP2.exe
You would then run the following command line.
c:\WinXP-SP2.exe -u -s:c:\
This will slip-stream the c:\386 folder to SP2 level.