registry setting in WM 2005

Dec 18, 2006
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I developed an application with WM2003 (A Symbol device). In this application I use cold-reboot to set device to the required status: WiFi Connetion settings, GPRS setting, desktop setting, Volume settings, keyboard settings... It works perfectly. Now I am required to move this application to WM2005 (Still Symbol device, MC9094).
Does anybody know how to apply these registry settings using cold-reboot? I tried to put my registry files to different places, but my device doesn't want to pick up these registry settings.\

Thank you here very much!
Can you help please


I am currently working on a windows mobile ce 5.0 symbol device. I need to persist the information about the device setttings, including the grps setting, wifi settings, etc and I can't do it. I also need to persist the registry settings as well, so that it is available aftera cold boot. Can you please advise?

Thank you.

Kind Regards,

storynana said:
I developed an application with WM2003 (A Symbol device). In this application I use cold-reboot to set device to the required status: WiFi Connetion settings, GPRS setting, desktop setting, Volume settings, keyboard settings... It works perfectly. Now I am required to move this application to WM2005 (Still Symbol device, MC9094).
Does anybody know how to apply these registry settings using cold-reboot? I tried to put my registry files to different places, but my device doesn't want to pick up these registry settings.\

Thank you here very much!
storynana said:
Have you tried to use OPENNETCF Registry class to set the registry setting?

Hi there,

Thanks for ur reply. I had a look on the Registry class of the OpenNetCF, which it sais to me similar to the .Net Framework Registry class.

Since I am using a Symbol device, and any .reg file in it's application folder will automatically be merged with the registry after a cold boot, I want to access the CE Registry, and then save/backup some of the entries/keys (by saving them in a .reg file) in the Application folder, in c#, so that if I cold boot the device, it automatically takes the correct settings. Can you please advise?
How will it be possible to save it as a .reg file?


Kind Regards,
I am doing the same stuff now. We can share some useful information as we go.
If you google "Symbol Technologies white paper Installing Applications for Persistence v2.0",
it says: Support for RegMerge and CopyFiles is NOT guaranteed in future versions of Windows Mobile 5.0 from Symbol Technologies. Customer should begin use the more standard CAB file method of application deployment.

Thanks for your reply. I agree with you, and since we doing same stuff, we can definitely share any helpful info. May be you can tel me where are you up to now.

Concerning the initial post i wrote, i have been able to persist the wifi settings info, and other settings. I have manually exported the values from registry, and save it as .reg files, and stored it under the /Application folder. This runs successfully after cold boot.

Now my aim is that while running a c# application, at some point in time, I want to extract some registry values (at run time, programmatically) and store it as .reg files in the application folder. This would mean that, while the program is running, I will have the latest registry settiings available for the next cold boot. However, as discussed before, what I can do is just to read a key or write a key to registry using the Registry class, and not save .reg files automatically. I am wondering whether I should write additonal classes to build these text files using the streams etc, and then save it as a .reg file. What you think about that?

I will have a look at the document you referred to and give you any update. Oh yes, my email is (e-mail address removed) and you are welcome to contact me and probably, can have some online conversation at times for these issues.

Thanks once again.
