Registry Recovery Troubles


Bob Swieciki

I've recently had to replace my hard drive. After reloading my Windows XP
Home Dell reinstallation CD which includes Service Pack 1, I loaded Service
Pack 2. I'm now on my third try. After the first two tries, my PC would lock
up during boot up. I suspect it might be related to the dialog box that
starts appearing after SP2 is loaded. The box contains the following

Title: Windows Registry Recovery. Message: One of the files containing the
system's Registry data had to be recovered by use of a log or alternate
copy. The recovery was successful. This try, I've pressed F8 and tried to
get a bootlog so that I could possibly see which file was hanging up & had
to be repaired. When I search for the bootlog file (I search for *bootlog.*)
I can't find anything. Am I looking for the right file? Any help in fixing
this problem would be appreciated.

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