
hello, i was wondering if somebody could help me with a
problem i am having with my windows. I fooled around
with the registry in an attempt to delete a file which i
could not delete. So i followed the following information.

""""The fix for Windows XP not letting you delete .avi
I've seen this coming up more and more all over the place
so I figured I'd stick it here. Avi files (divx) can be
trouble in xp. there is a fix to let xp behave much
better so it's possible to move or delete large avi
files. The obnoxious bug in XP that causes Explorer to
read the entire contents of broken AVI files before
allowing any access to them is caused by bad behavior of
shmedia.dll. To correct this misbehavior in Windows XP,
remove the following registry key.
9489-5FE6850DC73E}InProcServer32 This will prevent
Explorer from loading shmedia.dll in response to file
property queries on these files. Just an extra note, if
you do a "search" for this key it will not be found, look
for it manually it is very easy to find. As always newbie
or not, if you FUBAR your registry its your own fault.
This fix does work, I use it and have applied it to many
XP machines.""""""""

I could not delete the registry key so i exported it
to "My documents" but now nothing works on my computer,
it will not even load at the begining, i was wondering if
anyone knows how to recover my computer with the memory
intact. If not how can i recover it in general.




Can you get to your desktop - Start/Programs/Accessories/System Tools/System

If so, do a system restore to a time before you messed with the registry.

If you can't, set the boot sequence to look for the CD_ROM drive first and
boot to the Windows XP CD. From there you should be able to do a Repair

To set the boot sequence, boot from cold and immediatley click F1 or
Delete - or maybe something else. It will be displayed at the bottom of the
screen when you boot as "To enter setup press....<whatever>"

Good luck,


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