Windows XP Registry problem....

Nov 9, 2005
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Hi every body ...well I have a "little" problem with regitry, the fact is that I cant scan or fix it ....I try with three programs and with regedit ... everytime the scan is almost done my machine just reboot...the last one I try was Registry Mechanic.... I try in safe mode...with the restart in fail option disable ...but it just freez in a blank screen .... I dont have a newest restore point.... And the idea to format and reinstall again just scary me ... I need to work and cant lose time to reistall and config all...may be late but now I need to know if there is a good way to solve this problem... How dangerus it can be???... :( ...when Im working in my computer it selft restar two or three times in the day without notice...just very frustrating when you are working or coding for a time without save, and in a second everything goes...

Well this is my problem...I wish that some one here can help me with this or give me an idea about what can I do...My PC is a Duron 1.8... Asrock k7mv3 ...512 ram...80gb... und Im runing windows XP pro...

Well thanks for reading and apologize my bad english...
Ok I will try

ok thanks ede I will run a virus chek... I already have runing KasperSky 6.0... And I have another thing to add to my previus comment...and is that I find tha the machine reboot only when I do a Full registry scan... I mean I use both programs Registry Repair Wizard 2007 and Registry Mechanic... and both cause a reboot the first If I eneable the File/Path Reference option ...and in the Registry Mechanic...the reboot ocur when I chose a Deep Scan...

well only that... do you think that post a Hijack log can be agood Idea...?

thanks again ede and soon I will tell you what happend with the virus scan report...
Thanks ede

thanks ede I chek the url that you give me and cant find my problem in the question that they have.... If you already wrote message asking for the problem, then I will wait till they send you answer...If it dont happend then I will send my own question

thank very much for take time to answer, ede...
Always use registry fixes as a LAST resort! it is too risky to mess up your pc even worse! Make sure you run a good virus program and spware remover, as well as running cleanmgr and doing a defrag before messing with the registry. If that still is not fixing it then make sure you back up any valuable data before messing with the registry.
Hi, just rec'd below from Reg Mech reference your problem..

Ed, thank you for contacting PC Tools.

Can I please ask you to first un-install Registry Mechanic completely. Reboot in Safe Mode and install & Run Registry Mechanic from in here.

1. Close Registry Mechanic (if open).

2. Navigate to Start - Programs - Registry Mechanic - Uninstall Registry Mechanic.

3. When uninstallation is complete, please re-start your computer.

4. Using My Computer or Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\Program Files and delete the 'Registry Mechanic' folder (if it still exists).

5. Download Registry Mechanic from, Click Download in the left menu > Save the file, rminstall.exe, to a location on your computer

6. Reboot into Safe Mode
To Restart the computer in Safe mode:
*When the computer starts back up, begin immediately by pressing the F8 key repeatedly until the Windows Startup menu appears with various options.
*By using the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard, select 'Safe Mode'.
Do not select 'Safe Mode with networking' or any other modes.

7. Navigate to where you saved the file. Find 'rminstall' icon and double click it to launch the Registry Mechanic installer.

8. Attempt to run Registry Mechanic in Safe Mode.

Please confirm if Registry Mechanic works in Safe Mode.

9. Try to run a scan and click on repair if problems found.

***This is checking whether there was another program that interfere Registry Mechanic scan process that resulting the computer to restart***

If you require further assistance, please reply to this email.

Kind Regards,

Louis S Widjaja
Customer Support Representative
PC Tools Customer Support Services
PC Tools -
mmmm ok thanks

Well...thanks ede again I will try to do the things that the guys from Mechanic said...

thanks too DigitalDoctorTech01 I did a virus scan but recive a restart in pay
... I cant complet a susefull virus scan I will try a few times more ...About Mess with the registry dont worry about that I have done this many time in the passt...never have problem with it...but now is thiferent becausee I dont touch anything and everything works well for arround 8 mothns o more... but now I have this problem... I mean is frustrating because I cant do any task... virus scan, registry scan, DISCK SCAN ...everything cause a reboot...

... I will try somethign more and still working ...until Ifind the time to reintall all or the machine fail

one questio the repar option of windows install have something to do with a registry damage??... und if the answer ist yes ...can it destroy my actual configuration or install programs... about data I dont have problem because the important work is stored in another partition in the same disck....

Well thanks ede, thanks again DigitalDoctorTech01... thansk to everybody that take time to read my post and try to find a way to help me ...thanks a lot
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the problem is still there

Hi people...

Well I did a virus scan, a spyware scan I use the one that you tell me ede and lavasoft ad-adware...they found a few entris but remove everything.... then I do a virus scan only find 3 trojan and remove it....
after that I did the spteps that hte guys from registry mechanic ...but my machin still reboot when I do a deep registry scan...well the system is mor stable ..but I know that the problem is istill there and one day it can explode in my face... :P :P ...

Well thank again...and iif some one have and Idea please tell me.....thanks for your time guys....
Other Things to Use

Adaware is a good program but the free version is a little too limited. After using adaware I would scan using AVG AntiSpyware from then I would use Spybot Search and destroy, It gets rid of some of the registry keys used by trojans, malware, spyware , etc... Then, Download and install Microsoft's windows defender. After you use all those your pc should be fine, I DON'T recomend using any kind of registry cleaner/scanner other than spybot search and destroy because you can really mess up your system even more. If you feel you must do it however, I would back up all my important documents pictures and music first. I would recomend using chkdsk from the repair console on an XP disk, or at worst, a repair installation before recomending any registry scanning or cleaning software.