Windows XP registry fix

Aug 16, 2007
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registry fix/script error

I am seeking to fix script error 1344 appearing in Outlook Express when I attempt to print. Know that I need to obtain and add file name regsvr32_ole32.dll to make it work. Don't know where to get this file or how to properly install it when I do get it. I just know that that is the file I need and that I need to install it under regedit. When I type regedit under Run and click ok, I see a list of folders???

I am using Windows XP, Use Norton Antivirus, Cable Modem.

I am new at this...could you guess?

Hope help is on the way :-)

Thanks, Laura
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No offence, but if your not sure how to use the registry i wouldn't start playin with it. You could end up making it worse not better. :)
Thank you for your quick reply and understandable advice. I have actually done this before, but don't remember the steps I took at the time, but it did solve the problem. So I hope I can get someone to guide me through this needed solution and how I can obtain the file I need. What bugs me is why this mystery decides to happen about once every 6-9 months or so.

Regards, Laura
Well i just googled this and the first result was the newsgroup thread you posted in earlier! Did you try what was suggested?
Hi again.

I read the post from Gary Ashford of 11-23-03. I am a little lost regarding locating a "good" file. I have quoted below the relevant port of his post that is giving me pause:

...Here it is, but I'd find the key from a reliable machine and get a quality
copy of the file to keep from destroying your system... This is from a W2K
Pro OS.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Interface\{000 0000c-0000-0000-C000-0000

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Interface\{000 0000c-0000-0000-C000-0000


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Interface\{000 0000c-0000-0000-C000-0000
