Pardon me for jumping in.
what version of windows xp and build are you using? mine does not have that
options [Version 5.1.2600 Build 2600_xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519 service pack
I think I can change the location my document folder easily enough with the
right click but I just can't find in for c:\documents and setting folders
even as administrator.
However, if one were to download the power toys, changing users folder by
folder can be done by using the tweak UI - still no fun
as for mass change of registries there are two ways
- script: vbs or js - no I don't have the code but I am sure parts of it
can be found under the newsgroups for them
- reg command tool
query root/subkey /s > afile.txt
rem for more details, in dos command try
reg query /?
rem I suspect you have to start with hku, repeat with hklm
edit and replace all occurrences of "c:\documents and settings" with
your new Folder location , save
Caution, be sure to copy completely at least all users if not
everything from the old folder to the new target folder before starting this
process below
reformat afile.txt to use reg add root/subkey /v valuename /type
regType /d "data" /f
you can delete the lines that don't involve any change of folders
copy and paste to command line
still a lot of work unless you have a script to reformat.
- I like this somewhat better:but still not happy
copy the original folder to the new target ( one has to do that
one way or another)
reg query "hklm\software\microsoft\windows
nt\currentversion\profilelist" |findstr "S-1-" >z.txt
for /f
reg add "hklm\software\microsoft\windows
nt\currentversion\profilelist" /v ProfilesDirectory /d "your new target
folder" /f
for /f "usebackq delims=, tokens=1-2" %i in (`reg query
"hklm\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\profilelist" ^| findstr
"S-1-"`) do if 1==1 (
for /f "usebackq delims=, tokens=1,2,3" %j in (`reg query "%i"
/v ProfileImagePath ^| findstr /i "C:\Documents and Settings"`) do @echo
reg add "%i" /v %j /t %k /d "%l" /f >>c.bat
edit and change c.bat accordingly, may have to remove a few lines
execute c.bat
Note the above list of command has not been tested. it just illustrates a
concept. Furthermore, it assume no customization of folders or registries
with regard to folder has been done. may still have to deal with
hkcu\software\Microsoft\windows\currentversion\explorer\shell folders, and
maybe user shell folders
if anyone manage to find or create a script to change, please post back
here. of course single click is even nicer