registry export

  • Thread starter Thread starter Israel
  • Start date Start date


Hi after exporting the registry in win 2000 professional
how do I get it back to original location? I have 3 copies
in my documents with in the last year, thanks Israel

The only way to backup the whole registry via Microsoft backup is to add it to a backup by
checking "system state". You, however, can export parts or keys reliably, but most of the time
as a way to unravel a deletion to the registry (regedit generally). If you don't have any
trouble, I would think twice before changing it back at this state. To do that, I thoroughly
advise you to do an ERD, and a Full Backup with "system state" checked with the backup.

Are you having any particular difficulty. Don't do it to rid of a virus, worm, or Trojan
Horse. If you are having trouble, let's get it out on the table first. And at some point you
will want and need to get rid of the old backup files.

good luck,

Hi after exporting the registry in win 2000 professional
how do I get it back to original location? I have 3 copies
in my documents with in the last year, thanks Israel
Hi Don thanks for answering, Yes I did have a couple of
viruses but norton took care of them (too late) I am
missing windows files cause none of my programs are
working. Ok after I do a full registry back up is it safe
to delete the other 3 copies of the registry? thanks,
-----Original Message-----

The only way to backup the whole registry via Microsoft
backup is to add it to a backup by
checking "system state". You, however, can export parts
or keys reliably, but most of the time
as a way to unravel a deletion to the registry (regedit
generally). If you don't have any
trouble, I would think twice before changing it back at
this state. To do that, I thoroughly
advise you to do an ERD, and a Full Backup with "system
state" checked with the backup.
Are you having any particular difficulty. Don't do it to
rid of a virus, worm, or Trojan
Horse. If you are having trouble, let's get it out on the
table first. And at some point you
I didn't say that.
Don't get rid of anything.
Just don't try to get rid of virus damage by replacing some registry files.
That's like taking an aspirin the day after you get the headache and now your shoulder hurts.
I may fix both of them, but highly unlikely.
Look what Pegasus says.
You don't have ipconfig.exe in the correct path, probaly, if your return is missing the
Normally if you had a good path and there is no hoop up it would be as simple as cmd prompt to
check ipconfig /all, then ipconfig /release, and then ipconfig /renew. The pont is with no
path to the ipconfig the hookup is walking around in the dark trying to plug in an electrical
plug to an outlet. Tell Pegasus what he aasked please. I don't pretend to know as much as he,
concerning his concern.

thanks you,
You get that straight, we can power the modem down, shut the pooter down. 30 seconds, pwer teh
modem up; let it lock and crank the pooter back up. That would be the responsibility of you
ISP to assure a valid latch on the modem. We'll get there. Pegasus first is the thing to do .
Trust me.

Hi Don thanks for answering, Yes I did have a couple of
viruses but norton took care of them (too late) I am
missing windows files cause none of my programs are
working. Ok after I do a full registry back up is it safe
to delete the other 3 copies of the registry? thanks,
-----Original Message-----

The only way to backup the whole registry via Microsoft
backup is to add it to a backup by
checking "system state". You, however, can export parts
or keys reliably, but most of the time
as a way to unravel a deletion to the registry (regedit
generally). If you don't have any
trouble, I would think twice before changing it back at
this state. To do that, I thoroughly
advise you to do an ERD, and a Full Backup with "system
state" checked with the backup.
Are you having any particular difficulty. Don't do it to
rid of a virus, worm, or Trojan
Horse. If you are having trouble, let's get it out on the
table first. And at some point you
That sure was lame spelling.
I can spell, but my typing sux.


I didn't say that.
Don't get rid of anything.
Just don't try to get rid of virus damage by replacing some registry files.
That's like taking an aspirin the day after you get the headache and now your shoulder hurts.
I may fix both of them, but highly unlikely.
Look what Pegasus says.
You don't have ipconfig.exe in the correct path, probaly, if your return is missing the
Normally if you had a good path and there is no hoop up it would be as simple as cmd prompt to
check ipconfig /all, then ipconfig /release, and then ipconfig /renew. The pont is with no
path to the ipconfig the hookup is walking around in the dark trying to plug in an electrical
plug to an outlet. Tell Pegasus what he aasked please. I don't pretend to know as much as he,
concerning his concern.

thanks you,
You get that straight, we can power the modem down, shut the pooter down. 30 seconds, pwer teh
modem up; let it lock and crank the pooter back up. That would be the responsibility of you
ISP to assure a valid latch on the modem. We'll get there. Pegasus first is the thing to do .
Trust me.

Hi Don thanks for answering, Yes I did have a couple of
viruses but norton took care of them (too late) I am
missing windows files cause none of my programs are
working. Ok after I do a full registry back up is it safe
to delete the other 3 copies of the registry? thanks,
-----Original Message-----

The only way to backup the whole registry via Microsoft
backup is to add it to a backup by
checking "system state". You, however, can export parts
or keys reliably, but most of the time
as a way to unravel a deletion to the registry (regedit
generally). If you don't have any
trouble, I would think twice before changing it back at
this state. To do that, I thoroughly
advise you to do an ERD, and a Full Backup with "system
state" checked with the backup.
Are you having any particular difficulty. Don't do it to
rid of a virus, worm, or Trojan
Horse. If you are having trouble, let's get it out on the
table first. And at some point you
You should have originally "exported" registry file for
backup to a specified location, ie: d:\backups, as save it
as oldreg.reg.
To recover the original backup, click start, run, regedit
and import the backup registry.
(e-mail address removed)
By way of clarification to the OP, importing a backed up Registry does not restore the Registry to the exact condition of the old Registry because this process does not remove any existing keys in the current Registry, just updates and adds keys/values. If keys/values are present in the existing Registry but not in the old one, those remain in the merged Registry. If those settings are causing a problem the import does nothing to resolve that problem.


Bill James
Microsoft MVP - Shell/User

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