I have three monitors on my desktop, and I just bought a laptop which of
course has only one screen. The software I've written on the desktop takes
advantage of the three screens by positioning various output on the left,
middle, or right screen, so I will need to modify it to run on the laptop.
To do this, it would be helpful if my software could automatically determine
how many screens are on the PC the software is currently running on. Is
there a registry key or some other source that would tell me how many
monitors are currently running on the PC?
course has only one screen. The software I've written on the desktop takes
advantage of the three screens by positioning various output on the left,
middle, or right screen, so I will need to modify it to run on the laptop.
To do this, it would be helpful if my software could automatically determine
how many screens are on the PC the software is currently running on. Is
there a registry key or some other source that would tell me how many
monitors are currently running on the PC?