Justin Corcuera
What is the best freeware registry cleaner? EasyCleaner, RegSeeker,
RegClean, RegscrubXP? Are there any better ones out there?
RegClean, RegscrubXP? Are there any better ones out there?
Justin said:What is the best freeware registry cleaner? EasyCleaner, RegSeeker,
RegClean, RegscrubXP? Are there any better ones out there?
I've been using EasyCleaner, and it usually finds 10-20 entries toBloned said:Untill a month ago I used the last freeware version of Regcleaner, switched
to Regseeker and it found 80 entries that Regcleaner missed, so I'm sticking
with Regseeker.
Podz said:I've been using EasyCleaner, and it usually finds 10-20 entries to
delete (weekly).
Following your post, I've just d/l'd and run RegSeeker.
It finds a whopping 1,373 entries to delete.
I'm running WinXP Home.
Is that number okay to delete ?
Podz said:I've been using EasyCleaner, and it usually finds 10-20 entries to
delete (weekly).
Following your post, I've just d/l'd and run RegSeeker.
It finds a whopping 1,373 entries to delete.
I'm running WinXP Home.
Is that number okay to delete ?
What is the best freeware registry cleaner? EasyCleaner, RegSeeker,
RegClean, RegscrubXP? Are there any better ones out there?
Podz said:I've been using EasyCleaner, and it usually finds 10-20 entries to
delete (weekly).
Following your post, I've just d/l'd and run RegSeeker.
It finds a whopping 1,373 entries to delete.
I'm running WinXP Home.
Is that number okay to delete ?
Untill a month ago I used the last freeware version of Regcleaner, switched
to Regseeker and it found 80 entries that Regcleaner missed, so I'm sticking
with Regseeker.
What is the best freeware registry cleaner? EasyCleaner, RegSeeker,
RegClean, RegscrubXP? Are there any better ones out there?
In my experience all of these Reg cleaners, even the best, are fraught with
danger. I advise against using them except in one specific instance, that
is when you have one that is capable of doing specific Reg searches, and you
NEED (not just WANT) to remove the remaining traces of something that didn't
get uninstalled correctly. (and you didn't have foresight enough to install
it using Total Uninstall, http://www.geocities.com/ggmartau/tu.html or
direct dwnld here: http://files.webattack.com/localdl834/tun234.zip, in the
first place.)
If you must screw around with your Registry, then at least get Erunt/Erdnt,
and run it before you do the Reg clean. You'll then have a true restore
available to you. Read below to see why you might not just using the Reg
cleaner's restore:
NonDisputandum.com said:Regsupreme (or jv 16 PowerTools) if you don't have an old copy of
Registry Cleaner
more info:
NonDisputandum.com said:Yes,.. and fully functiopnal for a month. There are other that are
genue freeware like Be Clean and Crap Cleaner but they do not do half
the job when it comes to registry cleaning.
That's why I said: "Regsupreme (or jv 16 PowerTools) if you don't have
an old copy of Registry Cleaner (what was freeware)"
I explain that clearly on my webpage...
Regseeker is great. There were some severe complications running it on
systems with Norton*.* installed awhile back.
Make backups!
Otherwise, it strips all the unnecessary entries in a flash.
Bob said:Yarg... it just hosed my MS Office installation. If I don't
re-install it, the Secretary of War is going to give me that look
Remove "kins" to reply by e-mail.
Jordan said:A lot of people swear by RegSeeker but I still think it is over aggressive.
With registry cleaners, more is not necessarily better, especially in XP. If
you're not having any problems with EasyCleaner, I would stick with it.