I am thinking of buying a registry cleaner. Any recommendations of
which one may be best. Thanks.
which one may be best. Thanks.
victoratsympatico.ca said:I am thinking of buying a registry cleaner. Any recommendations of
which one may be best. Thanks.
victoratsympatico.ca said:I am thinking of buying a registry cleaner. Any recommendations of
which one may be best. Thanks.
victoratsympatico.ca said:I am thinking of buying a registry cleaner. Any recommendations of
which one may be best. Thanks.
dairyman said:CCleaner is a safe registry and HDD cleaner. I've being using it for a
long time and never had any problems.
victoratsympatico.ca said:I am thinking of buying a registry cleaner. Any recommendations of
which one may be best. Thanks.
victoratsympatico.ca said:I am thinking of buying a registry cleaner. Any recommendations of
which one may be best.
I am thinking of buying a registry cleaner.
Any recommendations of
which one may be best. Thanks.
Ken Blake said:Bad thought.
The best registry cleaner is no registry cleaner. Registry cleaning
programs are *all* snake oil. Cleaning of the registry isn't needed
and is dangerous. Leave the registry alone and don't use any registry
cleaner. Despite what many people think, and what vendors of registry
cleaning software try to convince you of, having unused registry
entries doesn't really hurt you.
The risk of a serious problem caused by a registry cleaner erroneously
removing an entry you need is far greater than any potential benefit
it may have.
Two questions:
1) Would a registry compactor be useful?
2) If all Windows registry cleaners are snake oil, why did Microsoft release
Regclean (sp?) albeit unsupported?
I am thinking of buying a registry cleaner. Any recommendations of
which one may be best. Thanks.
Laughingstar~* said:How would "we" know if there were problems with it or not, until its too
late...? Just a thought.
Chuck said:"Long ago and far away" --- Regclean was a useful tool. As the registry
became more complex, it became outmoded. Since it was not
updated/modified/supported, it became quite useless for newer windows
"If all Windows registry cleaners are snake oil, why did Microsoft release
Regclean (sp?) albeit unsupported?"