NTREGOPT NT Registry Optimizer
ERUNT The Emergency Recovery Utility NT
ERUNT [[Note: The "Export registry" function in Regedit is USELESS (!) to
a complete backup of the registry. Neither does it export the whole
registry (for example, no information from the "SECURITY" hive is
saved), nor can the exported file be used later to replace the current
registry with the old one. Instead, if you re-import the file, it is
merged with the current registry, leaving you with an absolute mess of
old and new registry keys.]]
NTREGOPT [The program works by recreating each registry hive "from
thus removing any slack space that may be left from previously modified or
deleted keys.]
EasyCleaner is a small program which searches Windows' registry for entries
that are pointing
[[EasyCleaner creates .REG-file from all entries deleted on the same
session, and by double-clicking
the *.REG-file you can add those previously deleted entries back to the
registry.] i.e. EasyCleaner
makes backup (Undo files) that you can use to replace something that you
deleted using EasyCleaner.]]