Windows XP Registry and Task amnager is disabled.

I had the same on my pc a year ago. I have not noticed that antivirus for some reason isn't updating the virus definitions and missed the moments when I could do something to fix the issues, raising on infected pc. Then viruses speaded and rendered most of administrative tools out of order. It must be the malware. Clean your pc by running Malwarebytes' Anti-malware, it helped me once to save form reinstalling the OS.
Disabling Task Manager is one way viruses try to make it harder for you to deal with their infections.
Exactly, also another thing came to my mind, I used to have long time ago a pirate copy of Win XP which had pre installation choices, e.g. whether to allow run TaskMan, msinfo32, regedit etc. So since when it started, if not from very beginning of usage of pc?