Jesse Houwing wrote:
Hello Pete,
Jesse Houwing wrote:
Hello Pete,
Hi All, I need to parse a text file which contains lines like
the one shown below, however, one or more of the columns could
be blank - the only constant being the first which always begins
with BX - I've cobbled a program together which uses substrings,
but think a Regex would be a cleaner way ?
BX00027025 AD
Are these fixed length? How do you know when a column is blank?
Regex can be used for these kinds of record parsing, but they're
generally not the best tools. There are tools built specifically
for this purpose (Sql Server Integration Servvices comes to mind,
Biztalk can also be used to read these files programatically). If
you want to do it yourself and need a bit of help, then we need a
bit more information about the contents of the file...
Like: - How are records separated?
- How are columns separated?
- Is there any escaping going on?
- Are Newlines allowed in content?
Kinds regards,
Jesse Houwing
jesse.houwing at
Hi Jesse, thanks for quick reply - the records are separated by
newline - the columns by spaces - no escaping - newlines not
allowed - the sample I gave has unfortunately wrapped in the
editor but is an example of a record with every field present -
the column width are : 10,2,40,2,50 and 10 which is why I used
substrings - I would just like to know how to acchieve the same
result using a Regex
Regex wouldn't be my first choice... But they would work:
private static Regex rx = new Regex("^(.{10}) (.{2}) (.{40}) (.{2})
(.{50})\r?$", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline);
And then in your parsing routine use:
public void Parse(string value)
Match m = rx.Match(value);
while (m.Success)
string line = m.Value;
string part1 = m.Groups[0].Value;
string part2 = m.Groups[1].Value;
/// etc ...
m = m.NextMatch();
Also have a look at the OleDB plaintext driver, which would be a
better option in my opinion.
And if you're importing these values into SQL Server I again
suggest you take a look at SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS).
Jesse Houwing
jesse.houwing at
Tried it Jesse - doesn't work - m.Success always returns false -
m.Groups.Count is = to 1 and has a Value of ""