Hello Ganesh,
After getting a Match, you can get the next match by calling
NextMatch op your match object:
Regex rz = new Regex(@"{expnd(\d+)", RegexOption.None);
Match m = rx.Match (rtftext);
while (m.Success)
string value = m.Groups[1].Value;
m= m.NextMatch();
Or you can use
MatchCollection mc = rx.Matches(rtfText);
foreach (Match m in mc)
string value = m.Groups[1].Value;
Hi Jesse Houwing,
Thanx very much for ur reply. Check my new string. string str =
et 0Microsoft Sans Serif;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17 {\expnd1
Hello} {\expnd1 World} \expnd ganesh\par}";
In the RTF RFC, the keyword \expnd always start with {\expnd<value>
so in the string there are 2 \expnd which start with { and there is
a another \expnd, which does not start with {, this is not valid in
RTF. So when I do a Regex I want to get only the valid \expnd, which
is {\expnd<value> <data>} and the value next to the \expnd. In the
string there are two values. 1 and 1. So there can be multiple
\expnd in a string. I want to get all the vales next to the \expnd
This is my probelm. Your sample did work, but how to get all the
values ?
Hello Ganesh,
I have a RTF file as follows
et 0M icrosoft Sans Serif;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17 {\expnd1
Hello} World \par}
I want a Regex to get the value next to the \expnd, in this case
value is '1' ({\expnd1 Hello}), but the next '\expnd' is not a
valid RTF, so we should not take that. I need only within the { }
and \expnd<value>
I did this in PHP, but couln't do it in c#, Can someone help me ?
Regex rx = new Regex(@"\expnd(\d+)", RegexOptions.None);
Should get you started... But I don't understand what you mean by
- but the next '\expnd' is not a valid RTF
- and I need only within the { }
so maybe you can provide some samples on what to match and what not
to match and why, so that we can help you better.