I have a string that looks like this:
'ACCEPT - The transaction succeeded. Merchant Reference Code:OrderId
Request ID: 1865550982350176174087 Authorized Amount: 10.00
Authorization Code: 123456 Authorization Time: 2007-08-09T14:18:18Z
I need to pull out that string after "Request ID: "
which in this case should be :
This returns the full string with the search string:
Dim regexp As Regex = New Regex("Request ID: (\w+)",
Dim TransId As String = regexp.Match(CCOut).ToString
StatusLabel.Text = TransId.ToString
and this returns nothing:
Dim pattern As String = "Request ID: (\w+)" & Regex.Escape("Request
ID: ")
Dim match As Match = Regex.Match(CCOut, pattern)
StatusLabel.Text = match.Value.ToString
Thanks for any help or information!
'ACCEPT - The transaction succeeded. Merchant Reference Code:OrderId
Request ID: 1865550982350176174087 Authorized Amount: 10.00
Authorization Code: 123456 Authorization Time: 2007-08-09T14:18:18Z
I need to pull out that string after "Request ID: "
which in this case should be :
This returns the full string with the search string:
Dim regexp As Regex = New Regex("Request ID: (\w+)",
Dim TransId As String = regexp.Match(CCOut).ToString
StatusLabel.Text = TransId.ToString
and this returns nothing:
Dim pattern As String = "Request ID: (\w+)" & Regex.Escape("Request
ID: ")
Dim match As Match = Regex.Match(CCOut, pattern)
StatusLabel.Text = match.Value.ToString
Thanks for any help or information!