Regedit Not Saving Change

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Mox 13

I am trying to change a number value in accordance with Doug Knox's post
concerning Numlock. After I change the value from 0 to 2 and restart the
computer the value reverts to 0. Is there something protecting the registry?
I am using XP Pro and logged on as Administrator.

That has been true with every other operating system that I have used. I am
using a new MB and it could be a BIOS problem. However numlock is on in BIOS
and the light for numlock comes on during Post and stays on until you get to
the XP Welcome screen and then it turns off. In my first post I was
referencing a post from Kolosus on 3/11/2003 (Numlock Status) and a reply
from Doug Knox on the same date which described a Registry change to correct
this problem. As I said, when I make this change it reverts back to the
original value on reboot

I bet you are going to tell me that it is a bad thing if autoexec.bat is not
on my system. I have a autoexec.nt in a couple of system files but the only
..bat file I have is msdtccvtr.bat in system32.

Hi, Mox.

My NumLock has been set On so long that I don't recall how I did it, but I
seem to recall that all I had to do was to turn it On, then Shut Down (or
Restart). WinXP remembered the NumLock state at shutdown. Perhaps you are
changing to 2, but then restarting with NumLock Off; NumLock sees that it is
Off at shutdown and resets your 2 to zero for the next startup?

Nobody uses my computer but me, but I seem to recall reading that WinXP's
NumLock status setting is user-specific.


Set both and then run the edit below:

Go to: Start/Run/Regedit

HKEY CURRENT USER\Control Panel\Keyboard\
InitialKeyboardIndicators. 2 = numberlock on

If you want the numlock on at the welcome screen you also need to change:

HKEY USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Keyboard\
InitialKeyboardIndicators same number values as above.

Save Settings on Exit (Line 54)

To use the Regedit: Save the REG File to your hard disk. Double click it
and answer yes to the import prompt. REG files can be viewed in Notepad by
right clicking on the file and selecting Edit.

Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Numlock in BIOS has remained on at all times except during one reboot when I
turned it off and then rebooted again and turned it back on. I did that
under the theory that sometimes things don't work unless you turn it off
then back on. In other words I haven't turned it off then changed the
registry and then rebooted.

Suggestions from fellow Texan's always welcome. :-)
So are all others.


Thanks for the reply.

I tried your suggestion with the REG file, but the problem remains. One
thing that I left out in my earlier posts is that the second registry change
(HKEY USERS\DEFAULT) does remain changed after reboot. It is just the HKEY
CURRENT USER\ that reverts back to a number value of 0 on reboot.

My system seems to be determined that numlock will not be on at restart. It
can be changed manually with the key. As I stated earlier this could be a
bizarre MB BIOS problem.
