Regarding sockets

  • Thread starter Thread starter deepak
  • Start date Start date


My objective is to retrieve data from a remote server
through sockets.the Maximum no of sockets that can be
opened are four.
The component that has to be developed in .net which must
be COM compatible.
I would like to utilize asynchronous programming model of
sockets in receiving data.
any ideas on how to start would be appreciated
First of all, if you are only going to open four sockets at a time, why
bother with asynchronous sockets? Just have a different thread for each
socket. No big deal, and the programming model is simpler.

Beyond that, I can't give you much more advice. Why? Because your question
is so open ended I could write a book to answer it and still not be sure it
was relevant to the problem you are actually trying to solve.

Yah gotta be more specific, Deepak.