To Wiz: filling your desktop with shortcuts is never a good idea
because it will slow down your computer a lot and can even cause lockups.
To expand a little on the recommendation...what I've done is create
several folders, i.e. graphics, browsers, email, etc. to organize all of
my shortcuts by type and then place all of the folders in the quick
launch so that I can find what I'm looking for a little easier. here's a
To burnr,
I looked at your screenshot:
and it kind of looks like you put the folders of shortcuts at the top
of your start menu like I do:
Never have understood the way that Microsoft wants you to dig and dig
and dig to find something on the start menu. One of the first things I
do when I work on some novice's computer is to reorganize their start
menu so that they can get at things more easily.
As an aside,
1. I am aware that usenet, ftp and the internet are not the same. I
just placed the stuff in the "Internet" folder because it's convenient
for me. Probably ought to rename that folder to something like
"Online" or somesuch.
2. To put the control panel on the start menu like I did, in the Start
Menu folder in your Windows folder, create a new folder and name it,
Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}
(All on one line, must include the ".", the curly braces, all four
hyphens, and the hex numbers exactly as shown.)
I know you can "expand" the Control Panel using the advanced Task
Bar/Start Menu properties tab, but the hack listed above allows you to
place the Control Panel anywhere on the start menu that you like.