Mrinal Kamboj
Hi ,
I am using OracleConnection object from Oracle ODP.net provider and
following is the behaviour which i am finding bit strange :
To start with , my argument is based on following facts :
1. Connection object is a reference type object .
2. All reference types are passed by reference even when done without
using modifier like ref / out .
Have a look at the following code : (More details after the code)
Class A
OracleConnection conn ; // class variable
public static void Main()
A a = new A() ;
string connectionString = <StandardStuff> ; // Pooling false
connectionString = <StandardStuff> ; // Pooling true
public void c(string connectionString)
// Get a connection string
if(conn == null)
conn = new OracleConnection(connectionString)
conn.ConnectionString = connectionString ;
conn.Open() ;
CloseandDispose(conn,<Pooling Attrbute Value from connection
string>) ;
catch(OracleException ex)
// print exception message
catch(Exception ex)
// print exception message
public void CloseandDispose(OracleConnection conn,bool flag)
conn.Close() ;
conn = null ;
Now in above mentioned code :
Case 1 : (OracleException)
When conn object is class variable and method c is called from second
time from main method after changing Connection String then it leads to
exception .
Reason is --> during first call when CloseandDispose method is called ,
it enters the loop to dispose and nullify the connection object but
second time when method c is called it doesn't validates the condition
conn = null and when it goes down and tries to open connection , then it
leads to exception :
"Can't open a connection object already disposed"
Now there are cases when exception doesn't happen i.e :
Case 2: --> I pass Oracleconnection objects between methods using ref
keyword and operation is successful .
Case 3 --> Don't use OracleConnection object in CloseAndDispose method
and it will nullify class object and valiadte conn = nul condition .
Case 4 --> Declare OracleConnection as a local variable in main method
and pass it in all methods and even then it success .
Now in present scenario it seems to be an issue with Connection object
as Case 1 also should have been successful .
Other Details regarding code :
Code that , i have pasted is part of a test suite , which tests
OracleConnectionStringBuilder introduced as a part of ADO.net 2.0 .
Now , logic behind calling method C twice from the main method is that
connection string builder class is used to change connection string at
runtime , where it changes the pooling attribute and reconnect .
Initially when Connection is created in Pooling = false mode then i make
sure that after closing connection object is disposed and nullified ,
however in case of Pooling = true it's just closed , so that it can
return to the connection pool .
Reason for implementing a separate CloseAndDispose method is that in
original test suite , conn object and the CloseAndDispose method are
part of a base class , as multiple derived classes uses same object and
finally any of them can close and dispose , so essentially a method is
implemented in base class to complete the task .
Now as the question goes , point of confusion for me remains that in
case 1 , when i am passing the conn object without any ref / out it
gives me the exception as mentioned earlier but in other cases it
doesn't , which is bit strange and could be a possible issue with
Connection object .
Share your comments , in case you need some other specific details let
me know that .
thanks ,
I am using OracleConnection object from Oracle ODP.net provider and
following is the behaviour which i am finding bit strange :
To start with , my argument is based on following facts :
1. Connection object is a reference type object .
2. All reference types are passed by reference even when done without
using modifier like ref / out .
Have a look at the following code : (More details after the code)
Class A
OracleConnection conn ; // class variable
public static void Main()
A a = new A() ;
string connectionString = <StandardStuff> ; // Pooling false
connectionString = <StandardStuff> ; // Pooling true
public void c(string connectionString)
// Get a connection string
if(conn == null)
conn = new OracleConnection(connectionString)
conn.ConnectionString = connectionString ;
conn.Open() ;
CloseandDispose(conn,<Pooling Attrbute Value from connection
string>) ;
catch(OracleException ex)
// print exception message
catch(Exception ex)
// print exception message
public void CloseandDispose(OracleConnection conn,bool flag)
conn.Close() ;
conn = null ;
Now in above mentioned code :
Case 1 : (OracleException)
When conn object is class variable and method c is called from second
time from main method after changing Connection String then it leads to
exception .
Reason is --> during first call when CloseandDispose method is called ,
it enters the loop to dispose and nullify the connection object but
second time when method c is called it doesn't validates the condition
conn = null and when it goes down and tries to open connection , then it
leads to exception :
"Can't open a connection object already disposed"
Now there are cases when exception doesn't happen i.e :
Case 2: --> I pass Oracleconnection objects between methods using ref
keyword and operation is successful .
Case 3 --> Don't use OracleConnection object in CloseAndDispose method
and it will nullify class object and valiadte conn = nul condition .
Case 4 --> Declare OracleConnection as a local variable in main method
and pass it in all methods and even then it success .
Now in present scenario it seems to be an issue with Connection object
as Case 1 also should have been successful .
Other Details regarding code :
Code that , i have pasted is part of a test suite , which tests
OracleConnectionStringBuilder introduced as a part of ADO.net 2.0 .
Now , logic behind calling method C twice from the main method is that
connection string builder class is used to change connection string at
runtime , where it changes the pooling attribute and reconnect .
Initially when Connection is created in Pooling = false mode then i make
sure that after closing connection object is disposed and nullified ,
however in case of Pooling = true it's just closed , so that it can
return to the connection pool .
Reason for implementing a separate CloseAndDispose method is that in
original test suite , conn object and the CloseAndDispose method are
part of a base class , as multiple derived classes uses same object and
finally any of them can close and dispose , so essentially a method is
implemented in base class to complete the task .
Now as the question goes , point of confusion for me remains that in
case 1 , when i am passing the conn object without any ref / out it
gives me the exception as mentioned earlier but in other cases it
doesn't , which is bit strange and could be a possible issue with
Connection object .
Share your comments , in case you need some other specific details let
me know that .
thanks ,