Hi all,
I have a terminal server W2K SP4 where I have created a mandatory profile
with restricitions.
The one problem that is causing be grief is as follows:
I have applied the NoViewContextMenu and NoTrayContextMenu registry hacks.
The problem is although it works where you can not right click on the start
menu and the desktop it doesn't work when you click on Start and right click
on Program Files - this gives you access to Open and Explorer - Open All
Users and Explore All Users.
I have also created a shortcut to a folder for some support tools and placed
in the Start Menu so it appears just above Program Files. When you right
click on this you get the full right click options including explore.
Although I have placed many restricitions and they all work - this is the
only security hole in the whole desktop.
At the moment the desktop is locked down so that only some icons appear on
the desktop - Start Menu has only log off - Program Files is virtually empty
with one app in the start up folder and my short cut to support tools folder
is the only other item in the start menu.
Hope this makes sense for some assistance.
I have scoured the internet and can not find a solution to disable the right
click on Program Files and the short cut to stop users launching Windows
Any help much appreciated to - (e-mail address removed)
Thanks and regards,
I have a terminal server W2K SP4 where I have created a mandatory profile
with restricitions.
The one problem that is causing be grief is as follows:
I have applied the NoViewContextMenu and NoTrayContextMenu registry hacks.
The problem is although it works where you can not right click on the start
menu and the desktop it doesn't work when you click on Start and right click
on Program Files - this gives you access to Open and Explorer - Open All
Users and Explore All Users.
I have also created a shortcut to a folder for some support tools and placed
in the Start Menu so it appears just above Program Files. When you right
click on this you get the full right click options including explore.
Although I have placed many restricitions and they all work - this is the
only security hole in the whole desktop.
At the moment the desktop is locked down so that only some icons appear on
the desktop - Start Menu has only log off - Program Files is virtually empty
with one app in the start up folder and my short cut to support tools folder
is the only other item in the start menu.
Hope this makes sense for some assistance.
I have scoured the internet and can not find a solution to disable the right
click on Program Files and the short cut to stop users launching Windows
Any help much appreciated to - (e-mail address removed)
Thanks and regards,