REFUNDS vista 64

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How do I get a refund for vista 64 the program does not work. The program
does not work with common printer like HP 1200 and LemarK x8350
You cannot share a printers that are attached to an vista machine that is
workgrouped with a computer running MS XP. There is no help or any way to
resolve problems or any upside to using Vista.
Unless you want to spend a lof of money for a computer that will not print
or network and that is not capable of doing productive work. If Bill Gates
wants to help people he needs to refund people money for this awful product
that is not ready for release.

Lawyers need to start bringing class action suits against microsoft for this
piece of garbage called vista. The program simiply does not work. MS does
not explain that if you want to do things like print your work they vista is
not the program for you.
Assuming your Vista is legal, there is free 90 day phone support by
Microsoft. I am no expert on your issues but I have seen similar ones
solved on this and other forums.

Toronto, Canada
XP Pro SP2 x 2 + Vista Ultimate Triple Boot
P4 HT @ 3ghz, 4gb DDR, 700gb HDD
Soundblaster Audigy 4 PCI Sound
ATI Radeon X1650 Pro AGP Graphics
You got my hopes up, but MS qucily dashed them

But MS does not support the vista 64 version.
I just tired to get support from one care but MS does not support the vista

They need to make it work or refund people money for this product it is
worthless if it is not supported and does not work.
Typcial microsoft and bill gates release a product before it is ready and
then screws the customer lauching a product that does not work and that the
user has not way of getting to work.

Maybe Bill Gates should use some of his charity money to compensate some of
the customers he and MS have harmed with this crappy vista 64 program.
What is the phone number I do not see it any where
tired one care but they do not support vista 64
Vista 64 Bit is not supported by MS. You will need to call the OEM of your computer since they are the ones that are responsible for the 64Bit version of Vista.
Microsoft supports ALL versions of Vista that are sold at retail. If your
copy of Vista came with your computer then the computer manufacturer is
responsible for supporting it. That's why they get their copies so cheap.
If you bought an OEM version, then you also bought the responsibility for
supporting it yourself.

Richard G. Harper [MVP Shell/User] (e-mail address removed)
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First off......Unplug your computer and throw it out the window as obviously
you should not have bought a piece of equipment that YOU did not research
your drivers FIRST !!!...Just because YOU cannot get it to work does not
mean it is SOMEONE ELSE'S fault !!!...When will people learn that a
operating system no matter which one does not have to work with any
peripheral at all !! That's it!! End of story !!!........Learn it ,Live it,
!!....It is up to the hardware manufacturers to make THEIR hardware work
with the operating system.....I do not care whether it is Windows or Apple
or Linux or any other frickin thing you can think of...That is the way it
has always been and always will be....GROW UP !!!
Try not buying a 64-Bit OS if you don't need a 64-Bit environment. It's not
MS fault your printer manufacturer hasn't bothered to support the OS to date.

You can share printers between different operating systems. I've setup PC to
share printers to Macs etc. The network abstraction layer deals with cross
platform operations.

You need to invest some time getting some skills. Ignorant people rage when
they don't understand.
Vista 64 Bit is not supported by MS. You will need to call the OEM of your
computer since they are the ones that are responsible for the 64Bit version
of Vista.
B.S. I bought my 64bit version RETAIL. Not from an OEM.
Fred said:
Vista 64 Bit is not supported by MS. You will need to call the OEM of your
computer since they are the ones that are responsible for the 64Bit
version of Vista.
B.S. I bought my 64bit version RETAIL. Not from an OEM.

I think they are thinking of Windows XP Pro x64 because the only way you
could purchase that OS was as an OEM product.
You got my hopes up, but MS qucily dashed them

But MS does not support the vista 64 version.
I just tired to get support from one care but MS does not support the

They need to make it work or refund people money for this product it is
worthless if it is not supported and does not work.
Typcial microsoft and bill gates release a product before it is ready and
then screws the customer lauching a product that does not work and that
user has not way of getting to work.

Maybe Bill Gates should use some of his charity money to compensate some
the customers he and MS have harmed with this crappy vista 64 program.

Or maybe they assume that those that buy it realize that there are few
64-bit hardware drivers and even fewer 64-bit programs to make proper use of
it. Maybe you are the one that made the mistake and not Microsoft. At least
next time you will do some home work before jumping in to the nearly empty

If it is retail, less than 45 days since purchase, and you live in
North America, return directly to Microsoft:
The printer manufacturers and not Microsoft are responsible for making
the hardware compatible with the operating system.
Have you asked HP and Lexmark about Vista 64 compatibility?

Windows Vista generally works very well as long as the hardware and
software is made compatible with Vista by their manufacturers.
The 3rd parties got themselves caught.
They had all the necessary to start preparing long before the release
of Windows Vista.
Certainly now, 7 months after release, there is no reason for non
supported hardware other than the hardware manufacturer has chosen not
to support the older hardware.
If Vista being late is and excuse of theirs, I don't buy it since that
simply gives them more time to prepare.

Windows Vista was similar to Windows XP as far as drivers.
It depends on what drivers you need.
Most of my hardware worked including a 5 year old HP printer.
If you have unsupported hardware, what have the hardware manufacturers
said when you asked about Windows Vista support.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

cmosentine said:
MS simply dropped the ball on drivers when it comes to Vista. XP's
driver support was much better right out of the gate. Not perfect,
much better. MS made a huge effort to make sure driver support was
for XP. With Vista being late, I think 3rd parties just got caught
too much of a moving target.


'Jupiter Jones [MVP said:
;357622']If it is retail, less than 45 days since purchase, and you
North America, return directly to Microsoft:
'Microsoft North American Retail Product Refund Guidelines'
The printer manufacturers and not Microsoft are responsible for
the hardware compatible with the operating system.
Have you asked HP and Lexmark about Vista 64 compatibility?

Windows Vista generally works very well as long as the hardware and
software is made compatible with Vista by their manufacturers.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]
'Dan-De-Mar' (
'Welcome to' (

How do I get a refund for vista 64 the program does not work. The
does not work with common printer like HP 1200 and LemarK x8350
You cannot share a printers that are attached to an vista machine
that is
workgrouped with a computer running MS XP. There is no help or
way to
resolve problems or any upside to using Vista.
Unless you want to spend a lof of money for a computer that will
or network and that is not capable of doing productive work. If
Bill Gates
wants to help people he needs to refund people money for this
that is not ready for release.

Lawyers need to start bringing class action suits against
for this
piece of garbage called vista. The program simiply does not work.
MS does
not explain that if you want to do things like print your work
vista is
not the program for you.
On Sun, 24 Jun 2007 09:03:33 -0600, "Jupiter Jones [MVP]"
The 3rd parties got themselves caught.
They had all the necessary to start preparing long before the release
of Windows Vista.

That's the point; all that work may have been invalidated by changes
to the OS made late in the beta process.

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On Sun, 24 Jun 2007 15:38:05 -0500, cmosentine
A poor operating system makes 3rd parties look bad. Poor support by
third parties makes the OS look bad. It really does not matter who is
to blame here, people are having real problems
As the IT guy I get asked all the time what should people do. If they
want to upgrade to Vista, I tell them FLAT OUT NO. Buy a new system
with it pre-installed.

If their present PC works, buy a new PC with Vista installed, LATER.
If their present PC's dead, buy a new PC with Vista rather than XP.
Don't upgrade existing XP systems > 1-2 years old to Vista.

My logic is as follows; if you anticipate a 3-5 year life span
starting now, you will have more future years of pain being stuck with
XP than initial pain on Vista. If you're already halfway into that
life cycle, then the gains aren't too compelling - the PC will likely
be too old to be of interest by the time XP becomes a liability.

As to deferring new PC with Vista for a while, the logic is not so
much because of the "wait for SP1" thing, but because right now, too
much bundleware and apps don't work with it. For example, as a system
builder, I still (as at last month) haven't found DVD writers that
come with bundled software that will install and work on Vista.

Closest was a new Asus S-ATA that came with Nero 7 Essentials (i.e.
newer than the usual doomed Nero Express 6) but when I tried to
installed that, it told me I needed to install DirectX 9c (even though
Vista comes with DirectX 10 welded in place).

Same thing goes for modems and bundled fax software. The last time
there was working bundled software that could take both faxes and
voice calls, it was in the Win9x era, and while Windows can fax, it
still cannot take voice messages.
I choose to go with 64-bit primarily for the added benefits of the
locked-down kernel.

How do you formally scan such systems if you need to ensure they
aren't infected?

The Vista DVD boots into a WinPE-like mOS, but seems unable to run
anything useful such as av scanners, and Vista-64's mOS won't run
32-bit tools at all. That limits you to a very small set of tools.

In contrast to Bart + RunScanner for XP/2003, Vista has no ability to
run tools so they have transparent access to the HD installation's
registry (i.e. as if it were in effect). Any joy on that issue?

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