Refreshing Windows XP (Home)

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Is it advisable to perform a comprehensive backup, wipe my hard drive clean
and then re-install Windows XP Home Edition?

I upgraded my computer from Windows 98SE to Windows XP Home Edition with
SP-2. Everything seems to be running okay, but I know with 98SE it was
advisable to periodically perform a comprehensive backup, wipe the hard drive
slick, and then re-install the OS.

Does the same thing apply to Windows XP Home Edition? I've never seen this

Thank you.
No. If your system is running fine, leave it be.

Utilize the following maintenance programs, at least monthly,
to maintain the optimum performance of Windows XP:

Description of the Disk Cleanup Tool in Windows XP;en-us;310312&Product=winxp

How to Perform Disk Error Checking in Windows XP;en-us;315265&Product=winxp

HOW TO: Analyze and Defragment a Disk in Windows XP;en-us;305781&Product=winxp

3 Simple Steps to Help Ensure the Protection of Your PC­e/security/protect/default.msp­x

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User
Microsoft Newsgroups

Get Windows XP Service Pack 2 with Advanced Security Technologies:


"Jim" wrote:

| Is it advisable to perform a comprehensive backup, wipe my hard drive clean
| and then re-install Windows XP Home Edition?
| I upgraded my computer from Windows 98SE to Windows XP Home Edition with
| SP-2. Everything seems to be running okay, but I know with 98SE it was
| advisable to periodically perform a comprehensive backup, wipe the hard drive
| slick, and then re-install the OS.
| Does the same thing apply to Windows XP Home Edition? I've never seen this
| addressed.
| Thank you.
I have never found it necessary to routinely format and reinstall any version of Windows, from 3.1 on.
Jim said:
Is it advisable to perform a comprehensive backup, wipe my hard
clean and then re-install Windows XP Home Edition?


I upgraded my computer from Windows 98SE to Windows XP Home
with SP-2. Everything seems to be running okay, but I know
with 98SE
it was advisable to periodically perform a comprehensive
backup, wipe
the hard drive slick, and then re-install the OS.

No, it isn't advisable with 98SE, with XP, or with any other
version of Windows. Although there are a few people who recommend
doing that, they are very much wrong, as far as I'm concerned.

Does the same thing apply to Windows XP Home Edition? I've
seen this addressed.

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it" is an often-quoted maxim, and
nowhere does it better apply than here.
In spite of many people advising periodic reinstallions I've never found it
necessary. In fact my son's PC started out with Windows 95 and we upgraded
it throughout the years to Win98, Win98SE, Win Me, and finally Windows XP
using upgrade versions. Over the years he had installed and uninstalled
countless demos and had managed to get several virus and tons of adware.

However if you feel a need to do reinstalls then by all means go for it.
Just ensure you have your backups in place and have drivers for your
hardware saved. You may wish to create a slipstream version using your
Windows XP CD and the latest Service Pack to speed up the process and making
a clean install a bit easier. See here
In spite of many people advising periodic reinstallions I've never found it
necessary. In fact my son's PC started out with Windows 95 and we upgraded
You got lucky. As for wiping just for GP. that's ridiculous. The installation
alone does all that's necessary.
I've picked up some of the nastiest specifically the Trend micro virus update
that brought the machine to a standstill. Some things leave no option if you
don't have a clue what the problem is and it defies identification.