I have a popup form (form one) that sets the criteria for
a parameter query. When the user enters criteria in the
text boxes and selects OK on the popup form, two things
happen: another form opens (form two) which has the
results of the query as the data source and the visible
property of the popup is set to false. When the user
selects find on form two, I set the visible property for
the popup form to true and allow the user to enter new
criteria. I need to know how to do two things: How do I
rerun (refresh) the form (or query) so that form two will
reflect the new criteria and How do I test for an open
form, so I do not open form two again, I just want to
refresh it? Thanks.
a parameter query. When the user enters criteria in the
text boxes and selects OK on the popup form, two things
happen: another form opens (form two) which has the
results of the query as the data source and the visible
property of the popup is set to false. When the user
selects find on form two, I set the visible property for
the popup form to true and allow the user to enter new
criteria. I need to know how to do two things: How do I
rerun (refresh) the form (or query) so that form two will
reflect the new criteria and How do I test for an open
form, so I do not open form two again, I just want to
refresh it? Thanks.